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  Caroline County, MD 1820 Federal Census Index  
  with links to the image files of the microfilmed census pages.  
  Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Caroline, MD 1820 census.









The microfilmed images of this 1820 census have two pages with one above the other. In the PAGE-LINE link below, the top page has an "a" added after the page number, and the bottom pages have a "b" added.

The LINE# after the PAGE# signifies the sequence of the enumerated name on the page. The LINE sequence number for the bottom page starts over with 1.


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Head of Household
SAP         Isaac            081a  06
SATTERFIELD Elijah           086a  15
SATTERFIELD Hosea            087a  02
SATTERFIELD James            108a  05
SATTERFIELD James            114b  15
SATTERFIELD John             076b  11
SAULSBURY   Charles          087b  06
SAULSBURY   Eli              096b  13
SAULSBURY   Gove             096a  09
SAULSBURY   John             100a  13
SAULSBURY   Matthew          093b  06
SAULSBURY   Nancy            094b  19
SAULSBURY   Nehemiah         094b  18
SAULSBURY   Noah             093b  09
SAULSBURY   Thomas           089a  07
SAWN        William          079b  05
SCHEVISS    Jacob            111a  10
SCOTT       Boatswain        095b  06
SCOTT       Henry            073b  05
SCOTT       John             076a  13
SCOTTEN     William          082a  04
SCOWDRICK   Mary Ann         109a  08
SETH        Herculus         096b  02
SETH        James G.         092a  06
SEWARD      Levin            111b  19
SEWELL      John             111b  06
SEWELL      William          106a  17
SHARPE      Andrew           095b  09
SHARPE      Horatia          099a  06
SHARPE      Joshua           115b  14
SHARPE      Samuel           088a  13
SHAW        James            080b  03
SHEHY       Michael          086a  13
SHEPPARD    Jacob            113a  07
SHEPPARD    Joseph Jr.       087a  07
SHEPPARD    Joseph Sr.       095b  14
SHERRIN     Robert           078a  03
SHERWOOD    William          080a  03
SHIELDS     Loadman          090a  06
SISK        Joseph           116a  02
SKINNER     Richard          089b  17
SLAUGHTER   James            075a  20
SLAUGHTER   James            080b  18
SLAUGHTER   Samuel           092b  11
SLAUGHTER   Thomas           077a  01
SMALLWOOD   Esther           116a  04
SMALLWOOD   William          116a  03
SMITH       Brannock         111a  07
SMITH       Caleb            105b  01
SMITH       Charles W.       100a  01
SMITH       Clement          111a  12
SMITH       Daniel           114b  04
SMITH       David            086b  16
SMITH       George A.        105a  01
SMITH       John             096b  12
SMITH       Levin            098b  11
SMITH       Mary             092a  10
SMITH       Perry            080b  09
SMITH       Rebecca          097a  16
SMITH       William          097a  11
SMITH       William G.       109b  02
SNOW        Cuthbert         099a  07
SNOW        Nancy            111a  17
SNOW        Thomas           096a  11
SNOW        William          116b  12
SOUTHERLAND Samuel           089b  10
SPARKLIN    Azla             111a  03
SPARKLIN    Delihay          110b  06
SPARKLIN    Nancy            115b  19
SPARKLIN    Richard          115b  04
SPARKLIN    Samuel           110b  15
SPARKS      William          082a  18
SPURRY      George           098a  06
STABLEFORD  James W.         086b  18
STACK       James            086b  01
STACK       Joseph           115b  07
STACK       Levin            116b  03
STACK       Mary             115a  04
STACK       Rachel           116b  05
STAFFORD    Eben             098a  12
STAFFORD    Peter            096b  20
STANFORD    Edward           108a  17
STANFORD    Stephen          095b  16
STANTON     Beacham          109a  05
START       William          078a  05
STEEL       James            111b  10
STEVENS     John             109b  10
STEVENS     Jonathan         089b  13
STEVENS     Mary             100a  15
STEVENS     Noah             098a  08
STEVENS     Robert Dr.       089a  12
STEVENS     Robinson         110a  12
STEVENS     William          086b  13
STEVENS     William (of J.)  094b  04
STEVENS     William W. T.    106b  18
STOKES      William          098a  16
STORY       William          110b  10
STRAUGHAN   Thomas           081b  08
STREET      Edmund           074b  08
STREET      Merium           077a  06
STUBBS      Henry            108b  03
STUBBS      Richardson       108b  02
STUBBS      Richardson       114a  02
STYLE       Thomas           089a  06
SULLIVANE   Andrew           099b  20
SULLIVANE   Greenburg        116b  10
SULLIVANE   James            113a  12
SULLIVANE   John             115b  10
SULLIVANE   Peter            111b  20
SULLIVANE   Peter            088b  06
SULLIVANE   Thomas           108b  14
SUMMERS     Nace             112a  12
SUNGSTON    James D.         089a  13
SWAN        Solomon          090b  11
SWEEDLIN    James            094a  14
SWIFT       Edward           077a  18
SWIFT       Emanuel          090b  08
SWIFT       Richard          078b  06
SWIGGETT    Daniel           093a  13
SWIGGETT    Harmon           098a  19
SWIGGETT    James            089b  19
SWIGGETT    Johnson          089b  16
SWIGGETT    Levin            092b  12
SWIGGETT    Solomon          109b  03
SWIGGETT    William          086b  11
SWORDEN     James            090a  05
SYLVESTER   David            082b  15
SYLVESTER   Herrington       076b  06
SYLVESTER   Isaac            107b  18
SYLVESTER   Robert           105a  18
SYLVESTER   Thomas           087a  01
SYLVESTER   William          076b  08
TALBOTT     Arthur           089b  15
TALBOTT     Joseph           087b  15
TALBOTT     Joseph C.        073b  13
TALBOTT     Nathaniel        073a  06
TALBOTT     Samuel           088b  07
TAYLOR      Jenifer S.       089a  11
TAYLOR      John             106b  05
TAYLOR      John             090b  15
THARPE      Nancy            093a  03
THAWLEY     Henry            079a  10
THAWLEY     James            074a  02
THAWLEY     John             074a  05
THAWLEY     Samuel           074a  04
THAWLEY     Thomas           079a  18
THAWLEY     Weeden           081a  08
THAWLEY     William          074a  03
THOMAS      John             109a  14
THOMAS      Nathaniel        081a  16
THOMAS      Peter            111b  16
THOMAS      Rhoda            092a  13
THOMAS      Robert           109b  04
THOMAS      Robert           092a  14
THOMAS      Simon            091a  14
THOMPSON    Abraham          095a  14
THOMPSON    Dekar            110b  17
THOMPSON    George F.        073b  03
THORINGTON  Nathan           094b  08
THORINGTON  Saulsbury        095b  03
TILDEN      Charles          073b  02
TILGHMAN    Sidney           116b  04
TILLOTSON   William B.       091b  11
TODD        Andrew           086b  07
TODD        Benjamin         109b  01
TODD        Clement          115a  01
TODD        David            086b  06
TODD        Eben             107a  08
TODD        Edward           086b  04
TODD        James            105b  04
TODD        Michael Jr.      086a  16
TODD        Michael Sr.      114b  17
TODD        Nathan           099a  10
TODD        Samuel           093a  19
TODD        Tilghman         109a  07
TOKELEY     Peter            106a  16
TOLSON      William          079a  15
TOOL        Greenbury        075b  02
TOWERS      Andrew           115a  06
TOWERS      Corneleus        106b  13
TOWERS      Curtis           105b  02
TOWERS      Emory            116a  14
TOWERS      John             093a  10
TOWERS      Nathan           110b  07
TOWERS      Soloman          107b  16
TOWERS      Tamsey           107b  15
TOWERS      Thomas           115a  14
TOWERS      William          108a  12
TOWNSEND    Alemby           097a  15
TOWNSEND    Benjamin         090b  14
TOWNSEND    James            077a  08
TOWNSWND    James            094a  07
TREWETT     Samuel           075a  15
TRICE       Clement          114a  17
TRICE       Cyrus            109b  19
TRICE       Ezekiel          109b  16
TULL        Levi             110a  11
TULL        Levin            115b  06
TURNER      Amilka           097a  19
TURNER      Clement          106b  11
TURNER      Edward           099b  08
TURNER      Garrettson       108b  13
TURNER      James            077a  14
TURNER      Jessee           088b  04
TURNER      Nancy            111b  05
TURNER      Rachel           106a  09
TURNER      Thomas           111b  04
TURNER      William          075a  14
TURPIN      Philip           080a  18
TWIFORD     Catharine        074b  06
TYLER       Thomas           106a  07
VAINE       John             116a  05
VALLIANT    Hannah           110a  13
VALLIANT    Hugh             106a  19
VANDEFORD   William          092a  08
VARNUM      John             097b  04
VAULSE      John             098b  15
VENAR       Emanuel          098a  07
VICKERS     Noble            078b  16
VINCENT     Jere             099b  02
VINCENT     Jessee           095a  19
VINSON      James            093a  02
VIRDEN      John             073b  04
VIRDEN      Tafey            099b  18
WADDELL     Joseph           086a  11
WADDELL     Thomas           107a  02
WADDELL     William          109a  03
WADMAN      John             096b  08
WADMAN      Thomas Jr.       087a  14
WADMAN      Thomas Sr.       093a  18
WADMAN      William          097b  18
WALKER      John             109b  08
WALKER      Thomas           082a  15
WALKER      William          109a  18
WALLEY      Richard          097b  11
WARMER      Nancy            087a  09
WARNER      John             090a  09
WARNER      Richard          086a  08
WARNER      William          081b  11
WARREN      John             111a  09
WARREN      Thomas           091b  20
WATERS      Robert           082a  06
WATKINS     Elizabeth        114a  01
WATKINS     Thomas           113a  15
WEBB        Celia            099b  09
WEBB        Henny            110a  19
WEBB        Rixam            107b  19
WEBBER      Ann              076a  14
WEST        Jere             110b  08
WEST        Vialette         116b  16
WHEELER     Elizabeth        081b  05
WHEELER     James            105a  13
WHEELER     Zachariah        094a  01
WHERRETT    Bennett          088b  05
WHERRETT    Margaret         093b  20
WHERRETT    Richard          094a  20
WHITBY      Lydia            082a  03
WHITBY      Nathan           074a  10
WHITBY      Richard          074b  09
WHITE       Henry            113b  15
WHITE       John             116a  09
WHITELEY    Anthony          112a  17
WHITELEY    Barthula         075b  04
WHITELEY    Byrng            112b  04
WHITELEY    Edward           099b  13
WHITELEY    Henry            099b  03
WHITELEY    William          109b  12
WHITELEY    William Dr.      098a  10
WILLIAMS    Henry            086a  09
WILLIAMS    James            088b  01
WILLIAMS    John             090b  16
WILLIAMS    Morgan           107a  09
WILLIAMS    William          092b  16
WILLIAMS    William Jr.      113b  02
WILLIAMS    William Sr.      113b  03
WILLIAMSON  Cloudsbury       087b  04
WILLIAMSON  Elijah Jr.       098b  03
WILLIAMSON  Ennalls          115a  11
WILLIAMSON  John             099a  12
WILLIS      Charles Jr.      107b  11
WILLIS      Elizabeth        114b  08
WILLIS      Esther           111a  14
WILLIS      Joseph           116a  06
WILLIS      Lewis            111a  20
WILLIS      Peter            106a  11
WILLIS      Peter Jr.        111a  19
WILLIS      Richard          116a  07
WILLIS      Thomas           113a  10
WILLIS      Thomas Jr.       105b  19
WILLIS      Thomas Sr.       105b  15
WILLIS      William          114a  18
WILLOUGHBY  Andrew           110b  19
WILLOUGHBY  Henry            107b  07
WILLOUGHBY  Henry            088b  03
WILLOUGHBY  Richard Jr.      105a  11
WILLOUGHBY  Richard Sr.      105b  12
WILLOUGHBY  Sophia           115a  13
WILLOUGHBY  William          109b  14
WILLSON     Aaron            094b  16
WILLSON     Christopher      074a  08
WILLSON     Daniel           092b  06
WILLSON     Edward           074a  14
WILLSON     Elisha           090a  18
WILLSON     George           088b  20
WILLSON     James            075b  17
WILLSON     James            089b  14
WILLSON     John             079a  13
WILLSON     John             080b  07
WILLSON     John             090a  16
WILLSON     Jonathan         108b  07
WILLSON     Noah             111a  05
WILLSON     Sarah            091b  13
WILLSON     Sarah            093b  12
WILLSON     Solomon          089a  01
WILLSON     Thomas           073a  11
WILLSON     William          077b  05
WING        Jethro           110a  09
WING        Stephen          097a  12
WING        Thomas           099b  17
WINGATE     Philip           114b  11
WISHER      James            105b  09
WITH        George           077a  16
WOOD        Thomas           079a  14
WOODS       James            110b  04
WOOTERS     Robert           091a  16
WOOTTERS    James            092b  04
WOOTTERS    John             108b  11
WOOTTERS    Levin            086b  17
WOOTTERS    Lydia            096a  14
WOOTTERS    Mary             096b  05
WOOTTERS    Moses            101a  03
WOOTTERS    Perre            110b  09
WOOTTERS    William          096a  12
WRIGHT      Aaron            113b  19
WRIGHT      Caleb            086b  10
WRIGHT      Daniel           108b  17
WRIGHT      Elisha           109a  01
WRIGHT      George           088a  19
WRIGHT      Hatfield         113b  13
WRIGHT      Henry            105b  16
WRIGHT      Jessee           113a  18
WRIGHT      Jessee           113b  16
WRIGHT      Joshua           113a  06
WRIGHT      Rhoda            114a  13
WRIGHT      Rosanna          109a  11
WRIGHT      Susan            082a  07
WRIGHT      William          088a  12
WRIGHT      William (of C)   099a  09
WYATT       John             082b  11
WYATT       Mary             075b  05
WYATT       Thomas           075a  01
YOUNG       John             086a  05
  The free display of the 1820 Caroline County, Maryland census images in the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of Karl L. Kirkman and the permission of S-K Publications.
  This index was transcribed by Norman Corkran
and proofread by Charlotte Corkran

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