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  Pike County, IN 1840 Federal Census Index  
  with links to the image files of the microfilmed census pages.  
  Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Pike, IN 1840 census.






  Because of the many age‑range columns of the 1840 census, each page has two microfilmed pages. The left-side of the page which includes the Head‑of‑Household name is the "a" page, and the right‑side of the same page with just the remaining age‑range columns is the "b" page.  
  If you find a name of interest, click the LEFT PAGE link to view the image file of the microfilmed original census page in the USGenWeb Archives.
To see the remaining columns for that same page, click on the RIGHT PAGE link.
  Then click the BACK button on your Internet Browser
to return to this index.

Name of Head of Family        LEFT     RIGHT
Abbot          James          233a   1  233b
Abbot          Martha         232a  28  232b
Abbott         Edwin          228a   4  228b
Abbott         Leonard        232a  27  232b
Abel           John           246a   1  246b
Adams          William        231a   2  231b
Adkerson       James          239a  11  239b
Ainsley        Mathew         228a  23  228b
Aleman         Thomas         237a  19  237b
Alexander      Charles        230a   3  230b
Alexander      Jesse          240a  19  240b
Alexander      Jesse H        230a  18  230b
Allison        Joseph         226a   2  226b
Allison        William        238a  28  238b
Almon          John           237a  21  237b
Amos           James          250a   4  250b
Andley         Richard        236a  20  236b
Arnold         Barbary        231a  19  231b
Arnold         John           236a  21  236b
Arnold         Joseph         246a  25  246b
Ashby          Benjamin       237a  29  237b
Ashby          James          241a  22  241b
Ashby          Joshua         237a  22  237b
Ashby          Paten          247a  22  247b
Ashby          Robert         237a  26  237b
Ashby          William        237a  30  237b
Ashby          William, Jr    233a  15  233b
Balderback     Thos           226a  15  226b
Barnes         David          250a  29  250b
Barnes         Samuel         250a  24  250b
Barnes         Thomas         228a  26  228b
Barnett        James H        231a  11  231b
Barns          Alexander      248a  24  248b
Barns          James          250a  15  250b
Barns          John           250a  30  250b
Barr           John           235a  16  235b
Barr           Samuel         244a  18  244b
Barret         Anderson       248a  26  248b
Barrett        Richard M      238a   2  238b
Barrett        Richmond       239a   4  239b
Barrett        Robert         224a   3  224b
Barrett        Spencer        250a  12  250b
Bates          John E         235a   7  235b
Battel         Henry          239a   9  239b
Battle         Hewit          239a  29  239b
Baty           James          237a   5  237b
Beard          Thomas         245a  24  245b
Beck           Daniel         244a  15  244b
Beck           Deliley        248a  15  248b
Beck           Fredrick       250a  26  250b
Beck           George         244a  23  244b
Beck           Henry, Jr      239a   2  239b
Beck           John           250a  13  250b
Beck           John, Jr       250a  10  250b
Beck           Lewis          240a  25  240b
Beck           Mary           248a  17  248b
Beck           William        248a  22  248b
Becker         Henry          236a   5  236b
Bee            Jane A         226a  22  226b
Benedick       Phebe          247a  30  247b
Bilderback     David          233a  21  233b
Black          Alexander      228a  10  228b
Black          David          238a  10  238b
Black          Henry          238a  19  238b
Black          John           237a  23  237b
Black          John D         237a  25  237b
Black          Robert         242a  25  242b
Black          Samuel         238a   9  238b
Black          Samuel, Jr     233a  25  233b
Black          William        234a   9  234b
Blaze          George         248a  16  248b
Blaze          John           248a  10  248b
Boarders       John           248a  12  248b
Boger          Fredrick       241a  17  241b
Boman          J J            244a  19  244b
Bone           John           232a  19  232b
Booker         Keller         237a   9  237b
Boon           E B            227a  12  227b
Borders        Henry, Jr      225a   4  225b
Borders        Henry, Sr      248a  11  248b
Bower          Joseph         247a   3  247b
Boyer          Reuben         231a  20  231b
Bradberry      John           239a  13  239b
Bradley        John B         235a  20  235b
Breck          Levi           231a  17  231b
Brenton        George         246a  15  246b
Brenton        James          242a  24  242b
Brenton        John           247a  13  247b
Brenton        Mary           246a   8  246b
Brenton        Peter, Jr      232a   4  232b
Brenton        Peter, Sen     231a  13  231b
Brenton        Robert         229a  30  229b
Brenton        Wesley         226a   1  226b
Bretenham      William        227a  17  227b
Brewster       Comfort        247a  28  247b
Brewster       Elijah         242a  17  242b
Brewster       Solomon        247a  27  247b
Brewster       Thomas         242a  16  242b
Bride          William, Jr    228a   6  228b
Bright         Jacob          226a  30  226b
Brular         Wesley D       230a   5  230b
Brunson        William        230a  27  230b
Bryant         James          242a  18  242b
Bryant         Jesse          242a  14  242b
Bunton         Henry          240a  12  240b
Burdet         James          247a  21  247b
Burkhart       Leonard        244a   3  244b
Burlean        John           239a  12  239b
Burns          John           237a   6  237b
Butler         Elizabeth      246a  10  246b
Butler         Mary           246a  12  246b
Calvin         George         227a  29  227b
Campbell       Drusilla       244a  22  244b
Campbell       Henry          226a  12  226b
Campton        Vance          242a  30  242b
Cane           Charles, Jr    238a  27  238b
Capehart       James          230a  10  230b
Capehart       Thos           243a  18  243b
Cappell        Jacob          228a  20  228b
Carlile        Sarah          249a   3  249b
Carn           Aaron          238a  17  238b
Carr           James          233a  29  233b
Carter         Jesse          229a  19  229b
Case           Abraham        234a  22  234b
Case           Ebenezer       234a  23  234b
Case           Joseph         234a  29  234b
Case           Sarah          234a  19  234b
Case           Washington     230a   9  230b
Catt           Henry          244a   8  244b
Catt           John           251a  19  251b
Catt           Philip         251a  26  251b
Ch*****        George         230a  28  230b
Chambers       Andrew B       227a  19  227b
Chambers       George         235a  28  235b
Chambers       John           227a  23  227b
Chambers       Thomas         245a  12  245b
Chapman        E R            247a   4  247b
Chappel        Joab           229a  11  229b
Chappell       Elliott        228a  24  228b
Chappell       Josiah         243a  26  243b
Chappell       Sarah          228a  21  228b
Chappell       Stephen        228a  27  228b
Chew           Joseph         243a  30  243b
Chew           Maveillus      230a  11  230b
Clark          Henry          240a   7  240b
Clark          James          233a  24  233b
Clifford       A W            233a  20  233b
Cline          Henry, Jr      250a  21  250b
Cline          Henry, Sr      250a  19  250b
Cline          Lewis          250a  20  250b
Cline          Mary           225a   6  225b
Coker          Aaron          242a  28  242b
Coker          Jesse          242a  27  242b
Coleman        Coonrod        238a  21  238b
Coleman        Daniel         242a  21  242b
Coleman        Hasten         247a  18  247b
Coleman        Henry, Sen     238a   4  238b
Coleman        Jefferson      238a   1  238b
Coleman        John           238a   7  238b
Coleman        Philip         242a  22  242b
Coleman        Samuel         238a   5  238b
Coleman        William, Jr    238a  16  238b
Coleman        William, Sen   238a  11  238b
Collins        Mary           233a  31  233b
Colman         Page M         246a  19  246b
Colvin         Elisha         240a  23  240b
Colvin         John           251a  23  251b
Colvin         William W      251a  24  251b
Conger         Jacob          251a   6  251b
Conger         Johnathan      245a  10  245b
Conger         Sebaston       251a   2  251b
Cooker         James          228a   5  228b
Coon           Isaac          234a   7  234b
Coonrod        Danniel        242a   5  242b
Coonrod        David          231a  18  231b
Coonrod        Elizabeth      231a  24  231b
Coonrod        George         231a  27  231b
Coonrod        Henry          246a  23  246b
Coonrod        Henry, Jr      249a  24  249b
Coonrod        James H        226a   7  226b
Coonrod        John D         243a  25  243b
Coonrod        John D         246a  24  246b
Coonrod        Wm H           241a  11  241b
Cooper         Joseph         251a  22  251b
Corf           Charles        241a  21  241b
Corn           Andrew         242a  15  242b
Corn           Bennet         249a  22  249b
Corn           David          249a  19  249b
Corn           Edward         242a  13  242b
Cott           Daniel         248a   8  248b
Cott           John A         241a  23  241b
Cott           Randal         234a  13  234b
Counse         Alexander      245a   7  245b
Cox            Hezekiah       225a  14  225b
Cox            Isaac          251a  11  251b
Cox            William        243a  15  243b
Craig          Robert         232a   3  232b
Crayton        Calvin         243a   8  243b
Crayton        Josiah         231a  22  231b
Crayton        Thos, Jr       236a  22  236b
Cross          James          232a  30  232b
Cross          James          249a  14  249b
Cross          John           249a  15  249b
Cross          Joseph         231a  25  231b
Crow           James          224a   2  224b
Crow           James          226a  17  226b
Crow           John           226a  23  226b
Crow           John, Sen      251a   3  251b
Crow           Mary           226a  16  226b
Crow           Robert, Sr     239a  21  239b
Crow           William        226a  26  226b
Cummings       Syrus          244a  27  244b
Cummins        Charles        235a   9  235b
Cummins        James          245a   1  245b
Cummins        William        246a  28  246b
Cutrite        William        238a  25  238b
Davenport      W C            235a  24  235b
Davidson       James W        229a  13  229b
Davidson       Joseph         251a   1  251b
Davidson       Josiah         236a  29  236b
Davies         Beden          249a  16  249b
Davies         David J        238a  12  238b
Davies         Jesse          242a  23  242b
Davies         John, Sen      237a   1  237b
Davies         Johnathan      238a   8  238b
Davies         Theophelus     249a   5  249b
Davis          John J         242a  26  242b
Davison        John M         251a  16  251b
Deafendall     Elizabeth      251a  31  251b
Dean           Esquire B      236a   8  236b
Debruler       Elizabeth R    229a   8  229b
Debruler       G W            233a   5  233b
Debruler       Greenfield     229a  10  229b
Debular        H P            230a  12  230b
Decker         Abraham        251a  18  251b
Decker         Jacob          239a  19  239b
Decker         John A         226a   5  226b
Decker         Johnson        245a   9  245b
Decker         Nancy          240a  22  240b
Decker         Philip         251a  12  251b
Dedman         Elijah         236a  16  236b
Dedman         F T            231a  12  231b
Dedman         John           236a  23  236b
Dedman         Samuel C       235a  29  235b
Dedman         William        226a  29  226b
Dedrick        John           230a  16  230b
Dedrick        Parker         226a   6  226b
Defendoll      Jomes          227a  15  227b
Defendoll      Joseph         242a   7  242b
Dejarnett      Ford           239a   3  239b
Dejournet      Christopher    250a  11  250b
Delhard        Philip         247a  25  247b
Demart         Lawrence       232a   1  232b
Denning        Valentine      227a  25  227b
Denson         Joshua         226a   4  226b
Denson         Tolbert        241a  29  241b
Dewitt         Abel           249a   9  249b
Dire           Isaac          241a  20  241b
Done           Ann            242a  11  242b
Drake          Ransom         234a  14  234b
Drenning       Abraham S      245a  17  245b
Duning         Charles        226a  24  226b
Dunning        Henderson B    244a   7  244b
Dunning        Hiram          244a   5  244b
Dunning        Samuel         244a   4  244b
Dupree         Henry          251a  30  251b
  The free display of the 1840 Pike County, Indiana census images in the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of Michael Pierce and the permission of S-K Publications.
  This index was transcribed by Marsha Thompson
and proofread by Connie Burkett

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