The USGenWeb Census Project®  
  Pike County, IN 1840 Federal Census Index  
  with links to the image files of the microfilmed census pages.  
  Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Pike, IN 1840 census.






  Because of the many age‑range columns of the 1840 census, each page has two microfilmed pages. The left-side of the page which includes the Head‑of‑Household name is the "a" page, and the right‑side of the same page with just the remaining age‑range columns is the "b" page.  
  If you find a name of interest, click the LEFT PAGE link to view the image file of the microfilmed original census page in the USGenWeb Archives.
To see the remaining columns for that page, click on the RIGHT PAGE link.
  Then click the BACK button on your Internet Browser
to return to this index.

Name of Head of Family        LEFT     RIGHT
Newbry         William        247a  11  247b
Nickles        John           246a  11  246b
Noland         Enoch          236a  17  236b
Nolin          John           242a   1  242b
Norrick        Jacob          242a  19  242b
Norrick        Peter          249a  23  249b
Odermon        Thomas         228a   8  228b
Olliphant      George E       251a   8  251b
Olliphant      James          251a   9  251b
Olliphant      John           251a   7  251b
Olliphant      Nath N B       251a  27  251b
Osborn         Eben           239a  28  239b
Osborn         Elias          245a  26  245b
Overlin        Henry          243a  29  243b
Palmer         John           235a  30  235b
Palmer         Josiah D       235a  18  235b
Palmer         Permenas       245a  25  245b
Pancake        Jacob          239a   1  239b
Pancake        William        233a  13  233b
Parker         Charles L      243a  17  243b
Parker         George         245a  31  245b
Parker         Loranzo D      237a  11  237b
Parker         William T      244a   6  244b
Peach          William        234a  26  234b
penner         John R         249a  21  249b
Penton         Azom           241a  25  241b
Pon            John H         244a  25  244b
Posey          Harrison       244a  21  244b
Postlewait     Jonathan       234a  21  234b
Powers         Samuel         233a  23  233b
Pride          Benjamin       232a   9  232b
Pride          Henry          230a  22  230b
Pride          Thomas         231a  16  231b
Pride          William        233a   9  233b
Pride          Woolsey        228a  16  228b
Proffit        G H            235a  21  235b
Pruett         Elizabeth      232a  21  232b
Raney          Mathew         227a  16  227b
Reaves         Isaac          244a  31  244b
Reaves         Jobe           232a  17  232b
Reaves         John           240a  11  240b
Reed           Green B        240a   8  240b
Reedy          G B            245a  15  245b
Reedy          James          245a   8  245b
Rhodes         Lewis          232a  29  232b
Rhodes         William        235a  10  235b
Rice           William        233a  27  233b
Richard        Peter          248a  18  248b
Richardson     Hariet         234a  17  234b
Richardson     William J      230a   7  230b
Risley         Charles M      226a  10  226b
Ritchey        James          246a  13  246b
Rizley         John           242a   9  242b
Robb           Edwin          250a  17  250b
Roberson       Michael        229a  17  229b
Roberts        Daniel H       251a  28  251b
Robling        James          250a   5  250b
Robling        John, Jr       240a   4  240b
Robling        John, Sen      225a  20  225b
Robling        Lewis, Jr      250a  22  250b
Robling        Lewis, Sr      250a   6  250b
Robling        Peter          245a  23  245b
Robling        William        248a  23  248b
Rogers         Solomon        232a   7  232b
Rumble         Samuel         248a  28  248b
Rumble         William        236a   4  236b
Russel         William        234a  28  234b
Russell        Charles        230a  21  230b
Russell        John, Jr       234a  24  234b
Rutherford     Robert         226a   8  226b
Sampson        Aaron W        235a  25  235b
Sapingfield    John           244a  14  244b
Sawyer         Franklin F     230a   2  230b
Sawyer         John S         227a  11  227b
Scales         Nathl          233a  28  233b
Scott          Samuel         233a  22  233b
Scott          W L            235a   8  235b
Scraper        Henry          228a  17  228b
Scraper        John           232a  16  232b
Scraper        Rebecca        234a  15  234b
Selby          John, Jr       246a   6  246b
Selby          John, Sr       246a   4  246b
Selby          Richard        230a  26  230b
Selby          Samuel         231a  29  231b
Selby          Z F            244a  13  244b
Selby          Zephaniah      244a   2  244b
Shahan         Joseph         227a  28  227b
Shaver         Benjamin       225a   9  225b
Shaver         Henry          224a   1  224b
Shaver         Levi           225a  31  225b
Shaver         William        225a  30  225b
Shaw           Alford         247a   8  247b
Shaw           Elvis          244a  26  244b
Shaw           Hugh, Jr       247a   7  247b
Shaw           Hugh, Sen      247a  29  247b
Shoults        Michal         239a   5  239b
Shults         George         248a  21  248b
Shults         Philip         248a  20  248b
Shultz         John           248a  29  248b
Simpson        Bazel          239a  17  239b
Simpson        Humphrey       225a  25  225b
Simpson        Robert         237a   7  237b
Sims           Martha         238a  22  238b
Sink           Elijah         245a   3  245b
Slater         Francis        247a  12  247b
Smith          Albert         227a   2  227b
Smith          George         233a  11  233b
Smith          Henry          232a  20  232b
Smith          Henry          240a  17  240b
Smith          Hosea          236a  19  236b
Smith          John           242a   6  242b
Smith          Joseph         247a   2  247b
Smith          Onias          243a  28  243b
Smith          Sarah          241a  10  241b
Smith          Thomas         241a   5  241b
Smith          Warren         247a  20  247b
Smith          William        241a  28  241b
Snider         Adam           244a  11  244b
Snider         Joseph         245a   5  245b
Sovercool      Alexander      238a  18  238b
Soverns        George W       241a  12  241b
Soverns        Silas          241a  18  241b
Spade          Daniel         245a  11  245b
Spade          Polly          251a  17  251b
Spencer        Henry          234a  25  234b
Spurgen        Jacob          236a   6  236b
Spurgeon       Samuel         249a  26  249b
Steel          David          242a  20  242b
Stepp          William        237a  24  237b
Stewart        C W            245a  14  245b
Stewart        M W            233a  17  233b
Stewart        Richard        238a  30  238b
Stewart        Ruth           236a  25  236b
Stewart        Thomas C       224a   6  224b
Strong         Joel           234a  12  234b
Stubblefield   John           230a  13  230b
Stuckey        Fredrick       241a  24  241b
Stucky         Samuel, Jr     230a  25  230b
Stukey         John           227a   4  227b
Stukey         Polly          227a   9  227b
Stukey         Samuel, Sen    227a   3  227b
Swarengen      Rebecca        232a  14  232b
Tayler         Benjamin       249a   8  249b
Tayler         Joseph         249a   6  249b
Taylor         Ebenezer       228a  19  228b
Taylor         Frances        247a  15  247b
Taylor         John           229a  28  229b
Taylor         Joseph S       247a  14  247b
Taylor         Silas          231a  21  231b
Teague         John           228a  12  228b
Tegue          Edward         230a  31  230b
Thomas         Floman         234a   5  234b
Thomas         James          231a   8  231b
Thomas         John           243a  11  243b
Thomas         John           249a  28  249b
Thomas         Joshua C       230a  24  230b
Thomas         Lewis          234a   1  234b
Thomas         Martha         232a  25  232b
Thomas         Michal, Jr     232a  24  232b
Thomas         Mikel          243a  16  243b
Thomas         Samuel         227a  27  227b
Thompson       Arthur         237a  28  237b
Thompson       Harison        237a  27  237b
Thompson       Mary           233a  12  233b
Thompson       Samuel T       229a  15  229b
Thompson       William        230a  20  230b
Thornton       James          251a  32  251b
Tisdale        William        226a  28  226b
Tislow         John           247a  23  247b
Tislow         Paul           246a   9  246b
Tislow         Peter          246a  14  246b
Traylor        Catherine      228a   2  228b
Traylor        E D            230a  29  230b
Traylor        George         251a  20  251b
Traylor        Jesse          234a  18  234b
Traylor        Lewis          231a  15  231b
Traylor        Mathew         228a   1  228b
Traylor        Spartan        232a  11  232b
Traylor        Thomas         232a  18  232b
Traylor        William        228a  14  228b
Tubman         John           233a  30  233b
Upton          James          241a   6  241b
Userey         Bolen          241a  14  241b
Vanpelt        Thomas P       249a  18  249b
Vertree        William A      227a  22  227b
Wall           David          239a  14  239b
Walton         John           248a   9  248b
Walton         William        243a  23  243b
Ward           John           233a   2  233b
Watson         Thomas         243a   7  243b
Watson         William        233a   4  233b
Wauker         James          242a   8  242b
Weace          David          240a   6  240b
Weadmon        Jacob          228a  22  228b
Wells          Jesse          229a   6  229b
Wells          Joseph         234a  20  234b
Wells          Nathan         234a  27  234b
West           Andrew         248a  14  248b
West           William        239a   7  239b
Whaley         Elijah         228a   9  228b
Whaley         Thomas         234a   8  234b
Whight         Alvin T        229a  14  229b
Whight         Fendley        229a  18  229b
White          Charles F      251a  10  251b
White          Henry          225a  21  225b
White          John           240a   3  240b
White          Lewis          225a  23  225b
White          Richard        248a  13  248b
Whitehea       Solomon        240a  20  240b
Whitehead      Josiah         229a   1  229b
Whitmore       Jobe R         238a   3  238b
Wiggs          Alexander      247a  17  247b
Wight          Hiram          244a  29  244b
Williams       John H         249a  13  249b
Williams       Joseph         244a  17  244b
Williams       Thomas         244a  16  244b
Willis         George         240a  14  240b
Willis         George, Jr     240a  27  240b
Willis         John           236a  11  236b
Willis         Maxwell        239a  25  239b
Willis         Maxwell, Jr    236a  12  236b
Willis         Philip         231a   1  231b
Willis         Thomas         232a  22  232b
Willis         Vincen         240a  26  240b
Wills          William        236a  30  236b
Winson         John           247a   1  247b
Withers        James R        245a  30  245b
Wood           John           249a   1  249b
Wood           William        249a  20  249b
Woodard        D H            235a   3  235b
Woodery        Henry          225a  26  225b
Woodery        Isaac          250a  28  250b
Woodery        Peter          225a  27  225b
Woodrey        Joseph         250a  23  250b
Woolery        Temple         233a  18  233b
Woolsey        Eldridge       249a   2  249b
Woolsey        William        233a  14  233b
Woolvin        Jeremiah       244a  30  244b
Wright         John           241a   1  241b
Wright         William        244a  28  244b
Wright         William M      248a  30  248b
Wright         William T      245a  18  245b
Wyatt          Benjaman F     241a   7  241b
Wyatt          Elizabeth      239a   8  239b
Wyatt          John           249a  27  249b
Wyatt          Turner         236a  18  236b
Wyatt          William        243a  24  243b
Young          David          225a   1  225b
Young          Jacob          225a  16  225b
Young          Jacob          248a  19  248b
Young          John           225a   2  225b
Young          Thomas         227a  26  227b
  The free display of the 1840 Pike County, Indiana census images in the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of Michael Pierce and the permission of S-K Publications.
  This index was transcribed by Marsha Thompson
and proofread by Connie Burkett

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