The USGenWeb Census Project®
Amite County, MS 1860 Federal Census Index
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names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1860 census





















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Eady           Aletha           27    MS             230  24
Eady           Amarinatha       20    MS             230  26
Eady           Charity          57    Tenn           230  22
Eady           James            23    MS             230  25
Eady           John             24    MS             230  23
Easly          Benjamin         4     LA             157   9
Easly          Catharine        23    Ohio           157   8
Easly          David            20    MS             156  36
Easly          Elizabeth        18    MS             156  28
Easly          Elizabeth        17    LA             156  37
Easly          Howell           24    MS             156  31
Easly          Howell M         24    MS             156  27
Easly          John             11    MS             156  33
Easly          John B           48    Tenn           156  29
Easly          Margaret         8     MS             156  34
Easly          Margaret         48    LA             156  30
Easly          Mary             1     LA             157  11
Easly          Newton           15    MS             156  32
Easly          Robert           30    MS             157   7
Easly          Sebastian        3     LA             157  10
Easly          Welden           20    MS             157  12
Easly          Wilford          6     MS             156  35
Edwards        Artery           51    SC             182  24
Edwards        Elizabeth        61    SC             182  22
Edwards        Excy             55    SC             182  23
Edwards        Joseph           67    SC             187  12
Edwards        Joseph E         28    MS             187  14
Edwards        Margaret         58    SC             187  13
Edwards        Martha           14    MS             204  14
Edwards        Mary Ann         21    MS             187  15
Edwards        Napoleon         3     MS             187  16
Egleston (Eggleston) Ann        51    Virginia       252  20
Egleston (Eggleston) Dora       20    MS             252  22
Egleston (Eggleston) William    23    MS             252  21
Ernest         Lewis            30    Baden          254   4
Ethridge       Francis          9     MS             230  13
Ethridge       Jane             3     MS             230  16
Ethridge       John             7     MS             230  14
Ethridge       John A           35    MS             230  11
Ethridge       Nancy            29    MS             230  12
Ethridge       Samuel           5     MS             230  15
Ethridge       Susan            1     MS             230  17
Evans          Caroline         13    MS             185  16
Evans          Elizabeth        50    Tenn           185  10
Evans          Ella             1     MS             251  27
Evans          George           18    MS             185  11
Evans          Jasper           15    MS             185  12
Evans          John             53    KY             185   9
Evans          John             13    MS             185  13
Evans          John P           37    Virginia       251  25
Evans          Louisa           32    SC             185  15
Evans          Margaret         24    MS             251  26
Evans          Sarah            10    MS             185  17
Everett        Alexander        30    MS             188   2
Everett        Alice            8     MS             188   9
Everett        Allen            11    MS             188   8
Everett        Ann              52    SC             188   1
Everett        Charles          30    MS             162  40
Everett        Charles          16    MS             188   6
Everett        Elizabeth        57    Tenn           162  39
Everett        James            29    MS             188   3
Everett        John             67    SC             162  38
Everett        Marshall         13    MS             188   7
Everett        Martha           22    MS             188   4
Everett        Rebecca          20    MS             188   5
Everett        Winchester       24    MS             163   1
Everett        Zackariah        18    MS             163   2
Ewell          James            38    MS             202  15
Ewell          Mary             32    MS             202  11
Ewell          Stamhofer        3     MS             202  13
Ewell          William          7     MS             202  12
Ewell          William S        50    MS             202  10
Ewing          John             9     MS             151  11
Ewing          Robert           7     MS             151  12
(Ewing)        Alexiea          6     MS             205  29
(Ewing)        Ann              12    MS             205  26
(Ewing)        Baby             6/12  MS             205  31
(Ewing)        Martha           27    Tenn           205  25
(Ewing)        Mary             4     MS             205  30
(Ewing)        Morgan           8     MS             205  28
(Ewing)        William          9     MS             205  27
(Ewing)        William B        60    MS             205  24
Facunders      James            23    LA             153  20
Facunders      Jane             25    MS             153  21
Facundus       Fanny            22    LA             205  16
Farnsworth     John             12    MS             186  17
Farnsworth     Margaret         17    MS             186  15
Farnsworth     Martha           15    MS             186  16
Farnsworth     Nancy            40    MS             186  14
Faust          Adelia           31    MS             239   4
Faust          Anthony          4     MS             239   9
Faust          Benjamin         10    MS             239   7
Faust          Charles          3     MS             253   4
Faust          D Anthony        35    MS             226  10
Faust          Eugenia          7     MS             239   8
Faust          Frank            7/12  MS             253   5
Faust          Hiram            14    MS             226  12
Faust          James            11    MS             237   1
Faust          James A          37    MS             239   3
Faust          Julia            8/12  MS             239  11
Faust          Leoniders        2     MS             239  10
Faust          Lorena           32    MS             226  11
Faust          Margaret         24    MS             253   2
Faust          Margaret         15    MS             236  39
Faust          Mitchell         13    MS             239   5
Faust          Napoleon         12    MS             236  40
Faust          Ophelia          8     MS             253   3
Faust          Peter P          30    MS             253   1
Faust          Samuel           11    MS             239   6
Faust          Thomas           10    MS             237   2
Felder         Allen            13    MS             193  18
Felder         Angelina         18    MS             192  15
Felder         Ann              17    MS             193  29
Felder         Charles          10    MS             193  31
Felder         Charles F        45    SC             193  16
Felder         Columbus         19    MS             192  14
Felder         Cornelia         14    MS             193  30
Felder         Dewitt           11    MS             193  19
Felder         Eugene           6     MS             193  21
Felder         Hanford          20    MS             193  28
Felder         James M          50    SC             193  26
Felder         Mariah           40    MS             193  27
Felder         Melissa          22    MS             193  17
Felder         William          9     MS             193  20
Fenn           Daniel W         27    MS             167  17
Fenn           Ida              1/12  MS             167  20
Fenn           Mary             22    MS             167  18
Fenn           Robert           3     MS             167  19
Ferguson       Adaline          4     MS             162  31
Ferguson       Catharine        49    Canada         191  34
Ferguson       Charles          2     MS             162  32
Ferguson       David            17    MS             191  36
Ferguson       James            14    MS             191  37
Ferguson       John             60    SC             191  33
Ferguson       John             6     MS             162  30
Ferguson       John             1     MS             192   1
Ferguson       John C           28    MS             162  28
Ferguson       Nancy            20    MS             162  29
Ferguson       Sarah            19    MS             191  35
Flanagan       Rosanna          20    Ireland        259   7
Flanagan       Thomas           30    Ireland        250  19
Fleming        Eugenia          15    MS             167  40
Fleming        J Henry          44    MS             167  36
Fleming        James            3     MS             168   6
Fleming        John             13    MS             168   1
Fleming        Leona            8     MS             168   4
Fleming        Martha           6     MS             168   5
Fleming        Martha           40    MS             167  37
Fleming        Missouri         17    MS             167  39
Fleming        Sabrina          11    MS             168   2
Fleming        Sarah            19    MS             167  38
Fleming        Theodore         9     MS             168   3
Fleming        Walton           1     MS             168   7
Flint          James            34    Ireland        254  30
Flowers        Angelina         18    MS             177  25
Flowers        Ann              6     MS             172  37
Flowers        Baby             3/12  MS             172  34
Flowers        Ephraim          27    MS             172  29
Flowers        Francis          3     MS             172  32
Flowers        Gabriel          14    MS             172  35
Flowers        Halton           13    MS             177  27
Flowers        Henry            8     MS             172  38
Flowers        Henry            48    SC or LA ?     177  22
Flowers        Henry            1     MS             172  33
Flowers        James            7     MS             174   6
Flowers        Louisa           6     MS             172  31
Flowers        Mary             27    LA             172  30
Flowers        Maryann          10    MS             172  36
Flowers        Minerva          16    MS             177  26
Flowers        Nancy            65    SC             172  26
Flowers        Nancy            19    MS             177  24
Flowers        Nancy            14    MS             172  27
Flowers        Sarah            45    MS             177  23
Flowers        Sarah            3     MS             177  28
Flowers        Susan            3     MS             172  28
Flowers        Taylor           12    MS             172  25
Flowers        Turner           20    MS             177  29
Flowers        William O        41    MS             172  24
Floyd          Francis          1     MS             245  15
Floyd          Lavina           4     MS             245  14
Floyd          Sarah            31    LA             245  13
Floyd          William          29    MS             245  12
Flynn          William          40    SC             152   7
Fodice         Joseph           20    MS             253   6
Forman         Alice            2     MS             234  28
Forman         Allen            5     MS             233  20
Forman         Amanda           41    MS             234  19
Forman         Betsey           5     MS             234  17
Forman         David            1     MS             234  12
Forman         Edward           16    MS             234  20
Forman         Elizabeth        9     MS             234  24
Forman         Ephraim          41    MS             234  18
Forman         Ephraim          19    MS             233  12
Forman         Ferdinand        16    MS             233  14
Forman         Franklin         11    MS             233  18
Forman         G** Jackson      28    MS             234   9
Forman         George           12    MS             233  16
Forman         James            14    MS             233  15
Forman         Loretta          11    MS             234  23
Forman         Lovey            7     MS             233  19
Forman         Martha           12    MS             234  16
Forman         Mary             40    MS             233  11
Forman         Mary             13    MS             234  22
Forman         Mathew           17    MS             253   7
Forman         Missouri         9     MS             233  17
Forman         Napoleon         5     MS             234  26
Forman         Newton           4     MS             234  11
Forman         Phoebe           7     MS             234  25
Forman         Robert           3     MS             234  27
Forman         Robert           17    MS             233  13
Forman         Sarah            25    MS             234  10
Forman         Theodore         3     MS             233  21
Forman         Watson           15    MS             234  21
Forrest        Emeline          45    MS             199  17
Forrest        Lavinia          19    MS             199  18
Forrest        Lucinda          9     MS             199  21
Forrest        Michael          67    Indiana        199  16
Forrest        Michael          17    MS             199  22
Forrest        Rebecca          16    MS             199  19
Forrest        Salina           12    MS             199  20
Forsyth        Angustus         49    Man            254  18
Forsyth        Augustus         14    MS             254  22
Forsyth        I*lu* (Irwin ?)  10    MS             254  23
Forsyth        Isabella         6     MS             254  24
Forsyth        Mary             37    Missouri       254  19
Forsyth        Piney            16    MS             254  21
Forsyth        Smiley           18    MS             254  20
Foster         Anna             58    SC             160   7
Foster         Harrison         18    MS             160  10
Foster         Jesse            25    MS             160   9
Foster         Joseph           30    MS             160   8
Foster         Josiah           64    SC             160   6
Fox            Charlotte        9/12  MS             259  32
Fox            Henry            42    Prussia        259  28
Fox            Julius           5     MS             259  30
Fox            Rosalia          28    Poland         259  29
Fox            Theoda           3     MS             259  31
Frank          Morris           35    Poland         194  19
Frank          Moses            40    Poland         256   9
Freeman        Betsey           18    MS             236  34
Freeman        Elisha           60    Tenn           236  31
Freeman        Joel             28    MS             234  40
Freeman        John             3     MS             235   2
Freeman        Lucinda          42    MS             236  15
Freeman        Mary             26    MS             235   1
Freeman        Mary             24    MS             236  33
Freeman        Owen             16    MS             236  35
Freeman        Rebecca          60    Gra            236  32
Freeman        William          1     MS             235   3
Frith          Charles H        22    MS             211  12
Frith          Christopher E    26    MS             251  13
Frith          Frances          1     MS             251  15
Frith          James            32    Texas          171  23
Frith          James M          27    MS             158  19
Frith          Louisa           17    MS             158  20
Frith          Mahala           24    MS             171  24
Frith          Phoebe           6     MS             171  25
Frith          Susan            23    MS             251  14
Frith          Theodore         8/12  MS             171  27
Frith          William          2     MS             171  26
Funk           George           9     LA             258  22
Funk           George           36    Bavaria        258  20
Funk           John             2     LA             258  24
Funk           Nick             28    France         258  21
Funk           William          4     LA             258  23
Gallant        Amelia           40    MS             214  34
Gallant        Ellen            9     MS             214  27
Gallant        Endora           4     MS             214  30
Gallant        Frank            2     MS             214  31
Gallant        Isabel           5     MS             214  29
Gallant        Isadore          9/12  MS             214  32
Gallant        James M          52    SC             214  24
Gallant        Jane             29    MS             214  25
Gallant        John             54    MS             214  33
Gallant        William          13    MS             214  26
Gallant        Willie           7     MS             214  28
Galtney        James R          42    MS             156   7
Galtney        Rebecca          30    MS             156   8
(Gammil ?)     Eveline          2     MS             149   3
(Gammil ?)     John             36    England        149   1
(Gammil ?)     Martha           21    MS             149   2
(Gammil ?)     William          1     MS             149   4
Gardner        Alice            12    MS             250  31
Gardner        Amelia           44    MS             221  39
Gardner        Baby             1/12  MS             179  14
Gardner        Chlorinda        30    MS             179  15
Gardner        Elishanna        1     MS             179  20
Gardner        Ella             5     MS             179  19
Gardner        Ellen            12    MS             179  11
Gardner        Emma             3     MS             222   1
Gardner        Eugene           10    MS             179  17
Gardner        George P         28    Alabama        180  33
Gardner        Henry            7     MS             179  12
Gardner        John             3     MS             180  36
Gardner        Julia            8     MS             179  18
Gardner        Leona            9     MS             180  35
Gardner        Mariah           18    MS             183  12
Gardner        Martha           29    MS             180  34
Gardner        Mary             4     MS             179  13
Gardner        Pryor S          41    MS             179   9
Gardner        Sarah            25    MS             179  10
Gardner        Sarah            10    MS             250  32
Gardner        Seaborn          33    MS             183  11
Gardner        Sylvanus         8     MS             250  33
Gardner        Sylvester        45    MS             221  38
Gardner        William          12    MS             179  16
Gardner        William          12    MS             221  40
Gardner        William          1     MS             183  13
Garner         Alice            11    MS             183  19
Garner         Amanda           37    MS             183  15
Garner         Amanda           15    MS             194  24
Garner         Amanda           11/12 MS             183  21
Garner         Elizabeth        21    MS             194  22
Garner         Elizabeth        18    MS             183  16
Garner         Ellla            5     MS             194  29
Garner         Henry            17    MS             194  12
Garner         Hillary          10    MS             194  14
Garner         James            42    MS             183  14
Garner         James            14    MS             194  13
Garner         Louis            9     MS             183  20
Garner         Louisa           13    MS             183  18
Garner         Louisa           11    MS             194  26
Garner         Mariah           48    MS             194  21
Garner         Mary             43    MS             194  11
Garner         Mary             17    MS             183  17
Garner         Mary             11/12 MS             194  16
Garner         Minerva          13    MS             194  25
Garner         Monroe           9     MS             194  27
Garner         Oliver           48    MS             194  20
Garner         Sarah            12    MS             194  15
Garner         Thomas           45    MS             194  10
Garner         Thomas           19    MS             194  23
Garner         Wilford          7     MS             194  28
Gatlin         Alfred           47    MS             173  13
Gatlin         Ebenezer         19    MS             173   9
Gatlin         James S          49    MS             173   7
Gatlin         John B           21    MS             173  14
Gatlin         Mary             20    MS             173  15
Gatlin         Nathaniel        16    MS             173  11
Gatlin         Rosalba          46    MS             173   8
Gatlin         Thomas           17    MS             173  10
Gatlin         William          15    MS             173  12
Gayle          Amanda           7     MS             204  20
Gayle          Calfvin          7     MS             204  19
Gayle          Cornelia         19    MS             227  11
Gayle          James M          21    MS             227  10
Gayle          Lawrence         41    MS             204  15
Gayle          Rebecca          9     MS             204  18
Gayle          Sarah            38    MS             204  16
Gayle          Sarah A          37    MS             227   9
Gayle          Virgina          14    MS             204  17
Gee*           Professor        50    Massuchuetts   197  35
Gerald         Samuel           15    MS             217  10
(Gerald)       Daniel           3     MS             172  21
(Gerald)       Emmet            2     MS             172  22
(Gerald)       George           16    MS             172  18
(Gerald)       James            11    MS             172  20
(Gerald)       John             5/12  MS             172  23
(Gerald)       Nancy            24    MS             172  17
(Gerald)       Thomas           12    MS             172  19
(Gerald)       Thomas L         33    MS             172  16
Germany        Augusta          25    ? NY           204  26
Germany        Catherine        45    Maine          178  27
Germany        Chal C           23    MS             215  16
Germany        Eugenia          8     MS             241  28
Germany        Frances          4/12  MS             241  30
Germany        Harriet          18    MS             178  29
Germany        Jane             23    MS             241  26
Germany        John             9     MS             178  31
Germany        Mary             2     MS             204  27
Germany        Mary             18    MS             215  17
Germany        Mary             10    MS             241  27
Germany        Maryann          12    MS             178  30
Germany        R Henry          27    MS             204  25
Germany        Robert           61    Gra            178  26
Germany        Robert           2     MS             241  29
Germany        Robert           1/12  MS             215  18
Germany        William H        35    MS             241  25
Germany        Wlliam           3     MS             178  32
Gibson         Martha           30    MS             195  27
Gibson         Nancy            12    MS             195  30
Gibson         Samuel           47    KY             195  26
Gillespie      *ntus            8     MS             225  27
Gillespie      Adair D          33    MS             225  24
Gillespie      Florence         7     MS             225  28
Gillespie      Jane             31    MS             225  25
Gillespie      Letitia          9     MS             225  26
Gillespie      M B              27    Virginia       160  30
Gillespie      Sarah            75    NC             242   4
Gillespie      William          25    Tenn           255  39
Godwin (Goodwin) Daniel         23    MS             179  28
Goldstein      Fanny            27    Poland         256   2
Goldstein      Hannah           8     LA             256   3
Goldstein      Jacob            32    Poland         256   1
Goldstein      Leon             3     LA             256   4
Goldstein      Ninner           1     LA             256   5
Goldstein      Peter G          27    Poland         256   6
Goldstein      Solomon          30    Poland         256  15
Gooch          Hebert           23    England        257  12
Goodman        Benjamin         33    Prussia        256  10
Goodman        George           1     Ohio           256  14
Goodman        Gustave          5     Ohio           256  12
Goodman        Hannah           33    Prussia        256  11
Goodman        John             4     Ohio           256  13
Gordon         Babe             2     MS             251   9
Gordon         Charles          19    MS             159  18
Gordon         Chlorinda        10    MS             182   9
Gordon         Cornelia         3     MS             189  15
Gordon         Dewitt           11    MS             159  21
Gordon         George           6/12  MS             189  16
Gordon         Hewitt           35    MS             189  17
Gordon         Jane             54    MS             182  37
Gordon         Jane             34    MS             159  17
Gordon         Jane             14    MS             159  19
Gordon         Martha           5     MS             189  14
Gordon         Martha           29    MS             189  18
Gordon         Nancy            22    MS             189  12
Gordon         Ophelia          7     MS             189  13
Gordon         Sarah            9     MS             182  10
Gordon         Sarah            54    Gra            182  36
Gordon         Sarah            15    MS             182  38
Gordon         William          12    MS             159  20
Gordon         William A        29    MS             189  11
Gordon         William S        45    MS             159  16
Gotller        William H        25    Penn           214  36
Goula          Chal (Charles)   25    Penn           257  19
Graves         Ann              19    MS             203  24
Graves         Benjamin         70    Gra            203  20
Graves         Benjamin         12    MS             203  28
Graves         Edward           8     MS             203  30
Graves         Edwin            6     MS             203  31
Graves         Elizabeth        62    MS             194  35
Graves         Eugena           42    LA             203  23
Graves         Jefferson        2     MS             203  32
Graves         John             23    MS             190  15
Graves         Margaret         23    MS             190  16
Graves         Octavia          30    MS             203  27
Graves         Rufus            10    MS             203  29
Graves         Samuel J         42    MS             203  22
Graves         Thomas J         30    MS             203  26
Gray           Aletha           18    MS             191  20
Gray           George           6     MS             191  22
Gray           Isaiah           16    MS             191  23
Gray           Lafayette        6     MS             193  38
Gray           Lola             2     MS             193  39
Gray           Louisa           8     MS             191  21
Gray           Mary             9     MS             193  36
Gray           Selina           26    MS             193  35
Gray           Sempel           30    MS             191  19
Gray           Thadeus          35    MS             193  34
Gray           Thesula          7     MS             193  37
Griffin        Anna             4     MS             175   9
Griffin        Benjamin         9     MS             223   1
Griffin        Benjamin         8     MS             175   8
Griffin        Emily            11    MS             222  39
Griffin        Emily C          36    MS             222  35
Griffin        George W         45    MS             175   4
Griffin        Helen            10/12 MS             175  10
Griffin        John             7     MS             222  40
Griffin        Martha           38    MS             175   5
Griffin        Martha           14    MS             222  38
Griffin        Mary             17    MS             222  36
Griffin        Mary             12    MS             175   6
Griffin        Sebitha          10    MS             175   7
Griffin        William          16    MS             222  37
Gunby          Aletha           1     MS             202  30
Gunby          Billington       33    MS             202  25
Gunby          Elizabeth        53    MS             202  24
Gunby          Endora           5     MS             202  28
Gunby          Jennet           23    MS             202  20
Gunby          John             59    Gra            202  23
Gunby          John             3     MS             202  29
Gunby          Lewis            4     MS             202  21
Gunby          Louisa           31    LA             202  26
Gunby          Matilda          2/12  MS             202  22
Gunby          Sarah            7     LA             202  27
Gunby          William H        29    MS             202  19
Gunter         Abner J          54    SC             230  40
Gunter         Anna             16    MS             231   4
Gunter         Francis          46    MS             231   1
Gunter         Francis          11    MS             231   6
Gunter         John             19    MS             231   3
Gunter         Justina          5     MS             231   8
Gunter         Margaret         14    MS             231   5
Gunter         Melissa          24    MS             231   2
Gunter         Minerva          8     MS             231   7
The free display of the 1860 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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