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Amite County, MS 1860 Federal Census Index
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names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1860 census





















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Safford        Elias            43    NY             253  20
Safford        Emily            3     MS             253  25
Safford        Henry            5     MS             253  24
Safford        Hester           32    MS             253  21
Safford        Lucy             2/12  MS             253  26
Safford        Rebecca          11    MS             253  23
Safford        Sarah            11    MS             253  22
Sample         John A           28    MS             210  40
(Sanenbesy ?)  Edwin            1/12  MS             254  16
(Sanenbesy ?)  Julia            27    KY             254  13
(Sanenbesy ?)  Mary             6     MS             254  14
(Sanenbesy ?)  Unah             31    Penn           254  12
(Sanenbesy ?)  William          2     MS             254  15
Saunders       Phoebe           45    SC             163  15
Saunders       Robert           22    Baden          259   9
Saunders       Virginia         24    Tenn           195  10
(Schediny ?)   Ada              4     MS             257   5
(Schediny ?)   Ann              21    MS             257   3
(Schediny ?)   Cha*             33 Frankfort on Main 257   2
(Schediny ?)   Conrad           3     MS             257   6
(Schediny ?)   George           */12  MS             257   7
(Schediny ?)   Nora             6     MS             257   4
Schirk         Abram            25    Prussia        259  33
Schirk         Isador           18    Prussia        259  40
Schirk         Sarah            19    Prussia        259  34
Schroder ?     Benjamin         28    Bavaria        254  10
Scott          L Marvin         22    NY ?           225  29
Seale          Aletha           16    MS             247  39
Seale          Angelina         41    Indiana        247  35
Seale          Catharine        8     MS             248   2
Seale          Cynthia          8     MS             248   1
Seale          Elijah           3     MS             248   5
Seale          Ethan            18    MS             247  36
Seale          George           6     MS             248   4
Seale          James            46    MS             247  34
Seale          Joseph           30    MS             241   2
Seale          Mariah           4     MS             248   3
Seale          Mary             10    MS             247  38
Seale          Viola            14    MS             247  40
Seale          William          12    MS             247  37
Shannon        Peter            31    Tenn           191  27
Sharp          Adaline          36    MS             156  16
Sharp          Andrew           6     MS             156  22
Sharp          Bianca           15    MS             240  26
Sharp          Emeline          47    Gra            240  24
Sharp          Endora           5     MS             240  28
Sharp          George           4/12  MS             156  25
Sharp          Henry            14    MS             156  17
Sharp          Idilla           8     MS             156  21
Sharp          James            20    MS             240  25
Sharp          John             3     MS             156  24
Sharp          Margaret         10    MS             156  19
Sharp          Mathew           12    MS             156  18
Sharp          Viola            10    MS             240  27
Sharp          Virginia         4     MS             156  23
Sharp          William          9     MS             156  20
Sharp          William          45    Ireland        156  15
Sharpe         David            11    MS             166   1
Sharpe         Edward           16    MS             165  39
Sharpe         George           13    MS             165  40
Sharpe         Joseph           44    NC             165  37
Sharpe         Joseph           2     MS             166   5
Sharpe         Mary             9     MS             166   2
Sharpe         Oleana           33    MS             165  38
Sharpe         Oleana           10/12 MS             166   6
Sharpe         Verona           7     MS             166   3
Sharpe         William          5     MS             166   4
Shaw           Amelia           30    MS             207  33
Shaw           George           4     MS             207  34
Shaw           Henry            16    MS             207  16
Shaw           Horatio          27    MS             207  32
Shaw           Horatio          2     MS             207  35
Shaw           John             14    MS             207  17
Shaw           Mary             47    LA             207  14
Shaw           Mary             1     MS             207  36
Shaw           Richard          61    Scotland       207  13
Shaw           Richard          12    MS             207  18
Shaw           William          17    LA             207  15
Shawn          Nancy            26    Ohio           259   4
Shirk          Elizabeth        36    Vermont        250  12
Shirk          Milton S         38    Ohio           250  11
Silker         Catharine        37    Prussia        254  32
Silker         Catharine        1     LA             254  34
Silker         Henry            33    Prussia        254  31
Silker         Mary             5     LA             254  33
Simmons        Aranetta         26    Ala            154  20
Simmons        Green            28    MS             154  19
Simms          N H              32    LA             173  24
Simpson        Elizabeth        4     MS             160  12
Simpson        Martha           24    MS             152   6
Simpson        Martha           21    MS             160  11
Sinclair       Dixon            13    MS             165   7
Sinclair       Elizabeth        11    MS             165   8
Sinclair       Marion           16    MS             165   6
Sinclair       Missouri         33    MS             165   5
Sites          Elizabeth        22    KY             205  15
Sites          Leonard          69    SC             201  14
Sites          Nancy            48    LA             201  15
Sleeper        Ann              3     MS             248  36
Sleeper        Clair            3     MS             244  10
Sleeper        Emma             7     MS             207  29
Sleeper        Fabius H         30    MS             248  32
Sleeper        Gardner S        31    MS             207  27
Sleeper        Gideon           1     MS             207  31
Sleeper        Imogen           25    MS             248  11
Sleeper        Isadore          22    MS             207  28
Sleeper        Jeremiah         7     MS             248  34
Sleeper        John             5     MS             248  35
Sleeper        Lewis G          25    MS             248  10
Sleeper        Margaret         66    MS             244  11
Sleeper        Murna            26    MS             248  33
Sleeper        Sarah            5     MS             207  30
Sleeper        William          8/12  MS             248  37
Small          ******* (Margaret) 25  MS             175  28
Small          Elizabeth        54    Gra            175  29
Small          James            52    SC             167   4
Small          William M        20    MS             175  27
Smallwood      Henry            29    England        202   9
Smiley         Alexander        40    MS             205   3
Smiley         Amanda           9     MS             205   8
Smiley         Ann              41    KY             249  26
Smiley         Ann              34    LA             205   4
Smiley         Benjamin         12    LA             205   6
Smiley         Caroline         5     MS             214   4
Smiley         Catherine        12    MS             214   2
Smiley         Charles          11    MS             205   7
Smiley         Edward           8     MS             214  10
Smiley         Eliza            37    MS             213  37
Smiley         James            8     MS             214   3
Smiley         James            15    MS             214   7
Smiley         James M          47    MS             249  25
Smiley         Katharine        4     KY             249  29
Smiley         Margaret         15    MS             213  39
Smiley         Martha           1     MS             214   6
Smiley         Mary             3/12  MS             205  10
Smiley         Nancy            13    MS             214   8
Smiley         Nathaniel        17    MS             213  38
Smiley         Philander        5     MS             205   9
Smiley         Robert           3     MS             214   5
Smiley         Robert           10    MS             214   9
Smiley         Robert P         45    MS             213  36
Smiley         Sarah            14    MS             205   5
Smiley         Sarah            12    MS             214   1
Smiley         Victoria         15    MS             213  40
Smith          Ada              5     MS             249   8
Smith          Ada              3     MS             225  39
Smith          Adaline          35    MS             235  25
Smith          Albert B         25    NY             251  11
Smith          Amanda           5     MS             235  32
Smith          Amanda           48    MS             213  10
Smith          Amarathia        11    MS             235  29
Smith          Amelia           9     MS             235  30
Smith          Amerinatha       *     MS             199  25
Smith          Bartlett W       72    MS             225  33
Smith          Catharine        35    Ala            225  34
Smith          Charles          33    Ireland        224   2
Smith          Cicero           14    MS             235  27
Smith          Crittenden       2     MS             225  40
Smith          Davis            6     MS             225  38
Smith          Eliza            8     MS             194  32
Smith          Elizabeth        34    MS             199  24
Smith          Emma             3     MS             249   9
Smith          Geo W            43    MS             199  23
Smith          Jackson          10    MS             225  35
Smith          James            70    SC             199   4
Smith          John             65    SC             199  28
Smith          Lavinia          7     MS             235  31
Smith          Leonora          7     MS             194  33
Smith          Lloyd            10    MS             225  37
Smith          Louisiana        26    MS             249   7
Smith          Mary             70    SC             199   5
Smith          Mary             54    Connecticut    258  26
Smith          Mary             1     MS             235  34
Smith          Norwood          2     MS             249  10
Smith          Oliver           3     MS             235  33
Smith          Olivia           24    MS             194  31
Smith          Reuben           7     MS             199  26
Smith          Richard H        32    MS             194  30
Smith          Sarah            19    MS             235  26
Smith          Wade             8     MS             225  36
Smith          William          53    Canada         258  25
Smith          William          10/12 MS             194  34
Smith          William C        42    MS             235  24
Smith          William P        26    MS             249   6
Smith          William S        54    SC             213   9
Smith          Zachariah        13    MS             235  28
Southgate      Henry            10    KY             249  28
Southgate      James            12    KY             249  27
Spenlch        Daniel           23    France         258   8
Spentch        Allen            19    Switzerland    258   2
Spentch        Charles          16    Switzerland    258   4
Spentch        Eliza            5     MS             258   6
Spentch        Joseph           49    Baden          257  40
Spentch        Mary             11    MS             258  12
Spentch        Nannette         40    Switzerland    258   1
Spentch        Rosa             14    MS             258   5
Spentch        Sophia           25    Switzerland    258   3
Spillman       Elizabeth        35    MS             190  20
Spillman       John             26    MS             190  21
Spillman       Richard          26    MS             190  19
Spillman       Sarah            68    LA             190  18
Spinny         Gro (George)     25    MS             229  15
Spurlock       Allen            85    NC             189  19
Spurlock       Amanda           18    MS             191  31
Spurlock       Ann              57    Tenn           191  32
Spurlock       Lenore           11    MS             189  21
Spurlock       Martha           64    Virginia       189  20
Spurlock       Thomas J         30    Tenn           191  30
Starr          George E         31    Maryland       257  10
(Starr ?)      Henry            27    Ohio           255  17
Steele         Amos             8     MS             236   8
Steele         Benton           23    MS             238  10
Steele         Harmon           6     MS             236   9
Steele         James B          35    MS             236   5
Steele         Lavisa           60    MS             238   9
Steele         Matilda          4     MS             236  10
Steele         Samuel           18    MS             238  11
Steele         Susan            12    MS             236   6
Steele         Thomas           10    MS             236   7
Steele         William          7/12  MS             236  11
Sterling       Barbara          6     MS             154  32
Sterling       Celia            13    MS             154  29
Sterling       Elijah           9     MS             164  10
Sterling       James            3     MS             154  33
Sterling       James            16    MS             164   8
Sterling       James A          50    MS             154  27
Sterling       Martha           3     MS             164  11
Sterling       Mary             39    SC             164   6
Sterling       Pamelia          25    MS             154  28
Sterling       S C              45    MS             164   5
Sterling       Samuel           12    MS             164   9
Sterling       Stephen          1     MS             154  34
Sterling       Tina             9     MS             154  30
Sterling       Vincent          18    MS             164   7
Sterling       Winfield         7     MS             154  31
Stevens        Edward M         20    NY             253  40
Stewart        Alexander        21    MS             151   3
Stewart        Elizabeth        50    MS             151   5
Stewart        Ellen            15    MS             151   8
Stewart        Isabel           20    MS             151   6
Stewart        James            17    MS             151   7
Stewart        John             19    MS             151   4
Stewart        Josephine        14    LA             152  32
Stewart        Martha           22    MS             151   2
Stewart        Robert           12    MS             151   9
Stewart        William          9     MS             151  10
Stewart        William          25    MS             151   1
Stickel        Catharine        10    MS             246  38
Stickel        Isabel           38    MS             246  37
(Stiungen ?)   James            26    New Jersey     257  17
Strange        Abner            10    MS             239  14
Strange        David            2     MS             239  17
Strange        John             5     MS             239  16
Strange        Letitia          46    MS             232  14
Strange        Monroe           1     MS             239  18
Strange        S Mitchell       30    MS             239  12
Strange        Sarah            26    MS             239  13
Strange        Thomas           7     MS             239  15
Strange        Thomas           15    MS             239  19
Stratton       Dorothy          18    MS             255  37
Stratton       Ebenezer P       47    Vermont        255  34
Stratton       Floyd            21    Virgina        255  19
Stratton       Harriet          44    Vermont        255  35
Stratton       Laura            10    MS             255  38
Stratton       Margaret         19    MS             255  36
Strawn         A Frank          29    MS             211   3
Strawn         Aletha           11    MS             219  31
Strawn         Amanda           5     LA             176  28
Strawn         Cecil B          24    MS             223  13
Strawn         Elizabeth        71    Gra            217  18
Strawn         James F          44    Tenn           219  28
Strawn         Mary             40    MS             219  29
Strawn         Nancy            14    MS             219  30
Street         Charles N        16    MS             197  38
Street         Henry            58    Virginia       197  36
Street         Thomas           20    MS             197  37
Stribling      Samuel           18    MS             153  19
Strickland     Anna             6     MS             255  29
Sudduth        Angelina         17    Gra            174  18
Sudduth        Charles A        54    Gra            174  15
Sudduth        Frances          20    Gra            174  17
Sudduth        Jennie           12    MS             174  20
Sudduth        Malvina          49    Gra            174  16
Sudduth        Robert           11    MS             174  21
Sudduth        Thomas           9     MS             174  22
Sudduth        William          16    MS             174  19
Sullivan       Nancy            46    MS             163  10
Swearingen     Adelaide         5     MS             181  33
Swearingen     Almeda           3     MS             181  34
Swearingen     Dora             6     MS             180   6
Swearingen     George           2     MS             180   7
Swearingen     Henry            8     MS             181  32
Swearingen     Henry            14    MS             244   9
Swearingen     John B           36    MS             181  29
Swearingen     Lafayette        35    MS             180   4
Swearingen     Loretta          9     MS             181  31
Swearingen     Lulu             6/12  MS             244   7
Swearingen     Martha           34    MS             244   5
Swearingen     Olive            30    MS             181  30
Swearingen     Pearla           2     MS             244   6
Swearingen     Van F            46    MS             244   4
Swearingen     William          10/12 MS             181  35
Swearngen      Mary             26    MS             180   5
Talbert        James            28    LS             200  33
Talbert        Mary             18    MS             200  34
Talbert        Polk             15    MS             229   6
Talbert        Sarah            58    MS             229   4
Talbert        Wiley            22    MS             164  40
Talbert        Wiley            22    MS             229   5
Tarver         Adaline          10    MS             160  25
Tarver         Allen            29    MS             249  33
Tarver         Allen            22    MS             149  36
Tarver         Anthony          2     MS             160  28
Tarver         Elijah L         48    MS             149  34
Tarver         Eliza            30    MS             160  24
Tarver         Elizabeth        51    MS             149  35
Tarver         Franklin         7     MS             160  26
Tarver         Georgiana        8     MS             150   1
Tarver         James            5     MS             160  27
Tarver         Joseph           13    MS             149  40
Tarver         Lott             40    MS             160  23
Tarver         Mary             5/12  MS             160  29
Tarver         Mary             15    MS             149  39
Tarver         Melissa          16    MS             149  38
Tarver         Michael          16    MS             189  10
Tarver         Thomas           21    MS             195   2
Tarver         Thomas           19    MS             149  37
Tate           Caroline         30    MS             150  23
Tate           Charles          2     MS             150  25
Tate           Florence         5     LA             150  24
Tate           Obediah          6/12  MS             150  26
Tate           Obediah          42    LA             150  22
Tatum          Elizabeth        47    Virginia       251  37
Tatum          James M          14    MS             252   2
Tatum          Josephine        11    MS             252   3
Taylor         Andrew           3     MS             229  23
Taylor         Asa              52    MS             229  18
Taylor         Baby             4/12  MS             158   6
Taylor         Catharine        60    SC             256  40
Taylor         Celina           3/12  MS             155   8
Taylor         Cicero D         28    MS             155   6
Taylor         Daniel           3     MS             158   5
Taylor         David            70    NC             219  34
Taylor         David            16    MS             155   4
Taylor         Elizabeth        5     MS             158   4
Taylor         Jordan           36    MS             155   3
Taylor         Matilda          30    SC             158   2
Taylor         Matilda          17    MS             229  20
Taylor         Sarah            26    MS             155   7
Taylor         Sarah            25    MS             229  19
Taylor         Sarah            1     MS             229  24
Taylor         Scifion          30    MS             158   1
Taylor         Seaborn          8     MS             229  21
Taylor         Thomas           6     MS             229  22
Taylor         Wesley           14    MS             155   5
Taylor         William          6     MS             158   3
Taylor         William C        32    KY             193  32
Tebow          Charlotte        60    New Jersey     223  34
Tebow          John             66    New Jersey     223  33
Tebow          John             17    MS             223  35
Temple         Hinson           17    MS             176   1
Temple         John R           49    KY             175  38
Temple         Minnie           19    LA             175  40
Temple         Polk             13    MS             176   2
Temple         Simon            2     MS             176   5
Temple         Susan            47    MS             175  39
Temple         Thomas           5     MS             176   4
Temple         William          9     MS             176   3
Terrell        Alice            1     MS             173   6
Terrell        Caroline         21    MS             173   4
Terrell        Catherine        18    MS             172   6
Terrell        Eliza            16    MS             172   7
Terrell        Elizabeth        50    SC             172   5
Terrell        Frances          12    MS             184  17
Terrell        George           10    MS             172  10
Terrell        Green            14    MS             172   8
Terrell        Griffin          30    MS             184  13
Terrell        James            25    MS             172  11
Terrell        James            2     MS             173   5
Terrell        James A          28    MS             173   3
Terrell        James J          54    Gra            172   4
Terrell        Louisa           1     MS             184  32
Terrell        Martha           34    MS             184  27
Terrell        Mary             18    MS             184  14
Terrell        Nancy            9     MS             184  30
Terrell        Polly            13    MS             184  28
Terrell        Sarah            60    SC             184  12
Terrell        Sarah            5     MS             184  31
Terrell        Sarah            17    MS             172  12
Terrell        Sarah            15    MS             184  16
Terrell        Solomon          36    MS             184  26
Terrell        Tyler            11    MS             172   9
Terrell        Virginia         11    MS             184  29
Terrell        William          22    MS             184  15
Terrell        William M        27    MS             179  21
Terry          Benjamin         25    MS             185  31
Terry          Mary             2     MS             185  34
Terry          Richard          1     MS             185  35
Terry          Sarah            28    MS             185  33
Terry          Walter I         31    Virginia       185  32
Thomas         Almina           34    MS             152  23
Thomas         Catharine        12    MS             152  24
Thomas         Deborah          10    MS             152  25
Thomas         Goldsburg        30    KY             259  11
Thomas         Lucinda          6     MS             152  26
Thompson       Benjamin         14    MS             241   5
Thompson       Catharine        7     MS             222  24
Thompson       Eli              7     MS             241   9
Thompson       Elijah           19    MS             224   3
Thompson       Elizabeth        25    MS             176   7
Thompson       Eunice           1     MS             176   8
Thompson       Frank            5     MS             241  10
Thompson       George           2     MS             222  27
Thompson       J Aunlias        30    MS             191  24
Thompson       James            3     MS             241  11
Thompson       Jane             26    MS             180  22
Thompson       John             30    MS             180  21
Thompson       John             10/12 MS             241  12
Thompson       John M           39    MS             241   3
Thompson       Julia            12    MS             241   6
Thompson       Levy             2     MS             191  26
Thompson       Martha           11    MS             241   7
Thompson       Mary             60    Tenn           224   4
Thompson       Mary             6     MS             222  25
Thompson       Mary             32    Ala            222  23
Thompson       Mary             23    MS             216   4
Thompson       Nancy            8     MS             241   8
Thompson       Nancy            66    SC             216   2
Thompson       Nancy            64    SC             223   4
Thompson       Nancy            34    MS             241   4
Thompson       Reddick          25    MS             216   3
Thompson       Silas            5/12  MS             222  28
Thompson       Silas H          36    MS             222  22
Thompson       Sophia           22    MS             191  25
Thompson       William          4     MS             222  26
Thompson       William          25    MS             176   6
Tillery        Artcey           37    Virginia       230  38
Tillery        James M          37    MS             230  37
Tillotson      Daniel           26    MS             169  39
Toler          Cynthia          2     MS             164  24
Toler          Eliza            9     MS             164  20
Toler          Harrison         15    MS             164  17
Toler          Henry            11    MS             164  19
Toler          Isaac            7     MS             164  23
Toler          Jacinthia (Gesinthia) 44 MS           164  15
Toler          Josiah           5     MS             164  22
Toler          Laura (Louisa)   13    MS             164  18
Toler          Leona            7     MS             164  21
Toler          Martha           16    MS             220  29
Toler          Mary             9     MS             220  31
Toler          Sarah            40    MS             220  27
Toler          Theodore         11    MS             220  30
Toler          Thomas           6     MS             220  32
Toler          Thomas           17    MS             164  16
Toler          Tilman           46    MS             164  14
Toler          William          16    MS             220  28
Torrance       Albam            90    SC             253  18
Torrance       Van              8     MS             253  16
Torrence       Blake            11    MS             248  12
Torrence       Thomas           12    MS             244   8
Trask          William          14    MS             201  23
Travis         Amanda           32    MS             258  31
Travis         Beatina          5     MS             171   9
Travis         Eunice           11    MS             258  33
Travis         J Ellison        27    MS             171   7
Travis         James            8     MS             157  18
Travis         John J           42    MS             157  13
Travis         Joseph           1     MS             157  21
Travis         Lavinia          39    LA             157  14
Travis         Lucentia         30    MS             157  23
Travis         Margaret         50    KY             163  35
Travis         Martha           4     MS             258  34
Travis         Matilda          7     MS             157  20
Travis         Nancy            6     MS             157  19
Travis         Nicholas         18    MS             157  15
Travis         Phoebe           25    MS             171   8
Travis         Pink             3     MS             171  10
Travis         Robert           44    Ireland        258  30
Travis         Rufus            7     MS             258  32
Travis         William          4     MS             157  24
Travis         William          11    MS             157  17
Travis         William          1     MS             258  35
Travis         Wilson           30    MS             157  22
Travis         Winfield         8/12  MS             171  11
Travis         Zachariah        16    MS             157  16
Troxell        Elizabeth        2     MS             234  30
Troxell        Louisa           28    MS             234  29
Turnipseed     Caroline         16    MS             225   7
Turnipseed     Eliza            49    MS             225   5
Turnipseed     George M         30    MS             162   1
Turnipseed     James            6     MS             162   3
Turnipseed     Jerome           4     MS             162   4
Turnipseed     John             2     MS             162   5
Turnipseed     John             14    MS             225   6
Turnipseed     John B           59    SC             225   4
Turnipseed     Mary             26    MS             162   2
Turnipseed     Rebecca          5/12  MS             162   6
The free display of the 1860 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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