The USGenWeb Census Project®
Amite County, MS 1860 Federal Census Index
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names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1860 census





















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H*** (Hayes)   Alexander        34    Scotland       169   6
H*** (Hayes)   Margaret         29    MS             169   7
H*** (Hayes)   Margaret         1     MS             169   8
Ha** (Hardy ?) Linnro           21    MS             215  19
(Hakinfes ?)   Heirna           32    Baden          257  34
(Hakinfes ?)   Levin            37    Baden          257  33
(Hakinfes ?)   Maryanne         1/12  MS             257  35
Hales          John             2     MS             242  12
Hales          Julia Ann        19    MS             242  11
Halford        George           15    MS             236  20
Halford        James            17    MS             236  19
Halford        James S          52    MS             236  16
Halford        John             19    MS             236  18
Halford        Robert           11    MS             236  22
Halford        Susan            7     MS             236  24
Halford        Susan            48    MS             236  17
Halford        Thomas           13    MS             236  21
Halford        William          9     MS             236  23
Hamilton       Eliza            33    LA             199  35
Hamilton       Eliza            1     MS             200   3
Hamilton       Elizabeth        12    MS             199  36
Hamilton       Isadore          6/12  MS             197  28
Hamilton       James            9     MS             199  38
Hamilton       Jesse            5     MS             200   1
Hamilton       John             3     MS             200   2
Hamilton       John F           29    Ala            197  26
Hamilton       Lewis            40    MS             200   4
Hamilton       Martha           30    MS             255  40
Hamilton       Mary             22    MS             197  27
Hamilton       Mary             11    MS             199  37
Hamilton       Robert           8     MS             199  39
Hamilton       Scipros          40    MS             200   5
Hamilton       Van              6     MS             199  40
Hamilton       William K        44    SC             199  34
Hamlin         Andrew           30    KY             149   5
Hamlin         Isaac            3     KY             149   8
Hamlin         Sarah            24    MS             149   6
Hamlin         William          4     KY             149   7
Hammock        Almeda           15    MS             233  25
Hammock        Christopher      8     MS             233  29
Hammock        George           17    MS             233  24
Hammock        Griffin          10    MS             233  28
Hammock        Mathew           4     MS             233  32
Hammock        Nancy            34    MS             233  23
Hammock        Penn             6     MS             233  30
Hammock        Richard          1     MS             233  33
Hammock        Seaborn          5     MS             233  31
Hammock        Thomas           12    MS             233  27
Hammock        Virginia         14    MS             233  26
Hammock        William C        39    Virginia       233  22
Hancock        Alexander        4     MS             236  28
Hancock        Almeda           2     MS             236  29
Hancock        Angelina         6     MS             236  27
Hancock        Angelina         26    MS             236  26
Hancock        Margaret         8/12  MS             236  30
Hancock        R Edison         35    SC             236  25
Hanks          Anna             11    MS             248  17
Hanks          Charles          9     MS             248  18
Hanks          Hugh             15    MS             248  15
Hanks          Iola             3     MS             248  21
Hanks          Lawrence         5     MS             248  20
Hanks          Lemuel           7     MS             248  19
Hanks          Lemuel R         45    SC             248  13
Hanks          Margaret         34    MS             248  14
Hanks          Noland           1     MS             248  22
Hanks          Richard          13    MS             248  16
Hardwick       Frances          *2 (52) NC           252  32
Harkness       Elizabeth        32    MS             191   8
Harkness       Francis          1     MS             191  13
Harkness       Jack             45    MS             189   8
Harkness       Martha           11    LA             191   9
Harkness       Mary             9     LA             191  10
Harkness       Robert           35    MS             191   7
Harkness       Thomas           7     LA             191  11
Harkness       William          5     MS             191  12
Harrel         Helen            19    Baden          257  39
Harrell        Baby             1     MS             208   2
Harrell        Caroline         50    MS             200  25
Harrell        Charles          5     MS             207  40
Harrell        Elenore          17    MS             183   1
Harrell        Elizabeth        64    SC             200  36
Harrell        Eugene           7     MS             207  39
Harrell        Jacob            62    SC             200  35
Harrell        Levi W           37    MS             207  37
Harrell        Lucretia         18    MS             211   2
Harrell        Margaret         3     MS             208   1
Harrell        Napoleon         20    MS             200  26
Harrell        Octavia          27    MS             207  38
Harrell        Thomas L         26    MS             211   1
Harrington     Baby             4/12  MS             180  31
Harrington     Gabriel M        29    MS             180  29
Harrington     Sophia           18    MS             180  30
Harris         Betsy            65    MS             177  21
Harris         Effie            7     MS             237  36
Harris         Elijah           12    MS             237  33
Harris         Enoch            33    MS             237  30
Harris         Enoch            2     MS             237  39
Harris         Henry            3     MS             237  38
Harris         Mary             10    MS             237  34
Harris         Melissa          15    MS             237  32
Harris         Minerva          9     MS             237  35
Harris         Rachel           37    MS             237  31
Harris         Robert           5     MS             237  37
Harris         Thomas H         70    *rsnione       177  20
Harris (Havis) Delthia          29    Gra            162  21
Harris (Havis) Eli              4/12  MS             162  27
Harris (Havis) James            8     Gra            162  22
Harris (Havis) John             5     Gra            162  24
Harris (Havis) Lucinda          5     Gra            162  25
Harris (Havis) Sarah            3     Gra            162  26
Harris (Havis) William          7     Gra            162  23
Harris (Havis) William          35    Gra            162  20
Hart           James S          24    MS             195   3
Harvard        Jeremiah         27    MS             232  30
Harvey         Elijah           10    MS             246  32
Harvey         Elizabeth        13    MS             246  31
Harvey         Kinner           16    MS             243   4
Havard         Mary J           16    MS             179   6
Havea          Calisthia        8/12  MS             188  40
Havis (Harris) C C              25    MS             224   8
(Havis) (Norris) ? James J      19    MS             215  20
Haygood        Amanda           40    Texas          165  14
Haygood        Cynthia          10    Texas          165  18
Haygood        Elisha A         53    SC             208   4
Haygood        Eliza            25    MS             149  28
Haygood        Elizabeth        34    LA             208   5
Haygood        Elizabeth        3     MS             208  11
Haygood        Elizabeth        18    Texas          165  15
Haygood        Harrell (Howell) 16    MS             208   7
Haygood        Henry            8     Texas          165  19
Haygood        Henry H          48    MS             165  13
Haygood        James            14    Texas          165  17
Haygood        Lafayette        22    MS             208   6
Haygood        Margaret         7     MS             208  10
Haygood        Mariah           50    Gra            176  39
Haygood        Martha           7     MS             149  30
Haygood        Martha           12    MS             208   8
Haygood        Octavia          10    MS             208   9
Haygood        Stephen          16    Texas          165  16
Haygood        Summerford       24    MS             174  28
Hazlewood      Amanda           20    MS             211  36
Hazlewood      Amarnatha        16    MS             211  38
Hazlewood      Catherine        44    MS             211  35
Hazlewood      George           15    MS             211  33
Hazlewood      John             18    Alabama        211  32
Hazlewood      Margaret         12    MS             211  40
Hazlewood      Martha           21    Alabama        211  31
Hazlewood      Nancy            57    Virginia       211  30
Hazlewood      Nancy            18    MS             211  37
Hazlewood      William          14    MS             211  39
Hazlewood      William          14    MS             211  34
Henderson      R H              23    Missouri       208  13
Henegan        John             17    LA             206  35
Hennegan       Frances          21    LA             206  34
Hernadon       Bertha           1     MS             154  18
Hernadon       Caroline         28    Ala            154  12
Hernadon       Clorinda         15    Ala            154  14
Hernadon       Hardy            27    LA             155  12
Hernadon       Henry            61    SC             154  10
Hernadon       James            13    Ala            154  15
Hernadon       John             7     Ala            154  17
Hernadon       Lucinda          49    LA             154  11
Hernadon       Monroe           18    Ala            157  29
Hernadon       Octavia          10    Ala            154  16
Hernadon       Samuel           17    Ala            154  13
Hernadon       Sarah            17    MS             155  13
Hewitt         James            4     MS             171  16
Hewitt         Jane             27    MS             171  13
Hewitt         Lucy             1     MS             171  17
Hewitt         Thomas           39    MS             171  12
Hewitt         Thomas           10    MS             171  15
Hewitt         William          12    MS             171  14
Hickman        James            35    KY             257  11
Hill           James M          49    MS             178  23
Hillard        Sarah            90    SC             240  23
Hinkleberch    John             58    Penn           213  18
Hinson         James            32    MS             227   2
Hinson         James            1     MS             227   6
Hinson         John             5     MS             227   5
Hinson         Mary             7     MS             227   4
Hinson         Mary             23    MS             227   3
Hinton         Elzy             38    LA             202  18
Hitchcock      Robert           14    Illinois       194  38
Hitchcock      Theodora         11    MS             194  39
Hodges         John             5     MS             185  25
Hodges         Martha           25    MS             185  24
Hodges         Mary             1     MS             185  27
Hodges         Samuel J         29    MS             185  23
Hodges         Sidney           3     MS             185  26
Hoff           Amanda           8     MS             217  35
Hoff           Eliza            9     MS             217  34
Hoff           Fanny            16    MS             217  32
Hoff           James            21    MS             217  30
Hoff           Joseph           5     MS             217  36
Hoff           Joseph B         52    Gra            217  28
Hoff           Mary             44    MS             217  29
Hoff           Mary             4/12  MS             217  37
Hoff           Mary             30    MS             216  16
Hoff           Thomas H         25    MS             216  15
Hoff           Thonia           18    MS             217  31
Hoff           William          12    MS             217  33
Hoffman        Frances          19    MS             183  36
Hoffman        Jefferson        28    MS             183  35
Hoffman        Medona           8/12  MS             183  37
Holden         Ann              9     MS             161  38
Holden         Hugh             8     MS             161  39
Holden         John             7     MS             161  40
Holden         Landy (Sandy)    55    MS             248  23
Holden         Martha           33    MS             161  37
Holden         Ruth             51    SC             160   5
Holland        Paeton (Payton)  64    Virginia       224  38
Hollinger      Eliza            28    Gra            252  12
Holt           Lucy M           16    MS             255  28
Homedice       Caroline S       27    MS             258  28
Honea          Aletha           8     MS             189   1
Honea          Delilah          59    MS             188  34
Honea          Eliza            14    MS             188  36
Honea          George           3     MS             160  33
Honea          Janetta          4     MS             188  39
Honea          Julia            12    MS             188  37
Honea          Lavinia          16    MS             188  35
Honea          Luther           6     MS             188  38
Honea          Nancy            28    MS             160  32
Honea          R Wilkes         38    MS             188  33
Honea          Tebedore         28    MS             160  34
Honea          Thomas           31    MS             160  31
Hoode          Henry            7     MS             171  22
Hoode          Lucinda          45    MS             171  18
Hoode          Nancy            10    MS             171  21
Hoode          Patrick          13    MS             171  20
Hoode          Patrick          13    MS             170   9
Hoode          William          17    MS             171  19
Hopkins        Mary             28    England        149  33
Howell         Adaline          9     MS             172   2
Howell         James            45    MS             171  38
Howell         Margaret         11    MS             172   1
Howell         Martha           13    MS             171  40
Howell         Mary             15    MS             171  39
Howell         Polly            70    Gra            171  35
Howell         Sarah            40    MS             171  37
Howell         Sarah            17    MS             172   3
Howell         Seaborn          38    MS             171  36
Huff           Adaline          35    MS             238  36
Huff           Amanda           47    MS             216  36
Huff           Anne             12    MS             238  38
Huff           Benjamin         20    MS             235   6
Huff           Daniel           76    Virginia       216  38
Huff           Daniel           1     MS             216  27
Huff           Eliza            32    MS             216  22
Huff           Ellen            18    MS             216  37
Huff           Emmet            10    MS             216  23
Huff           Ferdinand        18    MS             235   7
Huff           George           5     MS             235  13
Huff           Jane             43    MS             235   5
Huff           John             13    MS             235   9
Huff           Letitia          4     MS             239   1
Huff           Missouri         12    MS             235  10
Huff           Nancy            1     MS             239   2
Huff           Nathan           8     MS             235  12
Huff           Newton           7     MS             238  40
Huff           Newton L         45    MS             235   4
Huff           Reuben S or L    37    MS             216  21
Huff           Robert           10    MS             235  11
Huff           Robert S         37    MS             238  35
Huff           Rufus            17    MS             238  37
Huff           Sarah            61    Gra            245  28
Huff           Sarah            5     MS             216  25
Huff           Sarah            10    MS             238  39
Huff           Thomas           3     MS             216  26
Huff           William          7     MS             216  24
Huff           William          15    MS             235   8
Huff           William L        48    MS             216  35
Hughes         Elizabeth H      59    SC             197  19
Hughey         Alexander        49    MS             179  37
Hughey         Allen            12    MS             179  39
Hughey         Caroline         16    MS             179  34
Hughey         Charles          12    MS             179  33
Hughey         Ephraim          21    MS             179  31
Hughey         James            47    MS             179  29
Hughey         Margaret         16    MS             179  38
Hughey         Mary             14    MS             179  35
Hughey         Nancy            10    MS             179  40
Hughey         Oliver           18    MS             179  32
Hughey         Susannah         47    MS             179  30
Hughey         Virginia         9     MS             179  36
Hurst          Abden            10    MS             250  39
Hurst          Brute            12    MS             250  38
Hurst          David W          41    MS             250  36
Hurst          David W          19    MS             251   2
Hurst          James L          24    MS             251  16
Hurst          Richard H        30    LA             197  20
Hurst          Rudolph          7     MS             251   1
Hurst          Sarah            30    MS             250  37
Hutchinson     Elizabeth        19    MS             204  23
Hutchinson     John W           25    Tenn           204  22
Jackson        Albert           3     MS             212  40
Jackson        Amanda           33    MS             212  33
Jackson        Amelia           60    New York       209   9
Jackson        Amelia           33    MS             209  17
Jackson        Andrew           8     MS             209  25
Jackson        Andrew           7     MS             212  38
Jackson        Celina J         57    SC             220  19
Jackson        Charles          13    MS             226  35
Jackson        Charles          10    MS             209  21
Jackson        Daniel           22    MS             226  31
Jackson        Elizabeth        44    MS             226  30
Jackson        Elizabeth        12    MS             226  36
Jackson        Elizabeth        1     MS             251  40
Jackson        Ellen            4     MS             226  39
Jackson        Emily            10    MS             226  37
Jackson        Emma             10/12 MS             220  25
Jackson        Endora           1     MS             226  40
Jackson        Erlena           1     MS             240   9
Jackson        Frank            23    .              219  33
Jackson        Frank            13    MS             209  20
Jackson        Indiana          11    MS             212  36
Jackson        John             10    MS             209  24
Jackson        Julia            15    MS             220  21
Jackson        Leonore          15    MS             209  19
Jackson        Letitia          21    MS             220  20
Jackson        Louisa           5     MS             209  22
Jackson        Louisiana        13    MS             212  35
Jackson        Lucretia         17    MS             226  33
Jackson        M Henry          25    MS             219  32
Jackson        Martha           8     MS             226  38
Jackson        Martha           28    MS             220  24
Jackson        Martha           26    MS             251  38
Jackson        Mary             5     MS             212  39
Jackson        Mary             26    MS             240   6
Jackson        Mary             19    MS             226  32
Jackson        Mary Ann         35    Indiana        205  13
Jackson        Minerva          8     MS             205  14
Jackson        Moses            38    MS             209  16
Jackson        Sarah            9     MS             212  37
Jackson        Sarah            5     MS             240   7
Jackson        Sarah            31    MS             209  12
Jackson        Stephen          53    LA             226  29
Jackson        Stephen          42    LA             212  32
Jackson        Stephen          27    MS             240   5
Jackson        Theodora         2     MS             213   1
Jackson        Thomas           3     MS             240   8
Jackson        Thomas           15    MS             226  34
Jackson        Thomas           13    MS             220  22
Jackson        Thomas J         32    MS             209  11
Jackson        Thyrza           14    MS             212  34
Jackson        Wade             30    MS             220  23
Jackson        Wade             28    MS             251  39
Jackson        Walter           14    MS             209  18
Jackson        Willie           16    MS             209  23
(Jackson ?)    Charles          5     MS             245  19
(Jackson ?)    Edwin            8     MS             245  18
(Jackson ?)    James            4     MS             245  20
(Jackson ?)    Mary             27    MS             245  17
(Jackson ?)    Thomas           1     MS             245  21
(Jackson ?)    William          36    MS             245  16
Jacobs         Benjamin E       37    MS             246  11
Jacobs         Jane             7     MS             246  16
Jacobs         John             2     MS             246  17
Jacobs         Lafayette        11    MS             246  14
Jacobs         Mary             9     MS             246  15
Jacobs         Rufus            12    MS             246  13
Jacobs         Sarah            28    MS             246  12
Jagers         Adelaide         7     MS             188  14
Jagers         Celina           1     MS             188  16
Jagers         James E          38    MS             188  10
Jagers         Margaret         22    MS             188  11
Jagers         Martha           4     MS             188  15
Jagers         Rosa             13    MS             188  13
James          Nancy            58    Alabama        246  39
James          Philip           60    SC             174   7
Jenkins        Ada              10    MS             209  13
Jenkins        Amanda           14    MS             211   7
Jenkins        Benjamin H       44    MS             164  12
Jenkins        Elizabeth        62    Gra            211   5
Jenkins        Ella             7     MS             209  14
Jenkins        Francis          5     MS             225  20
Jenkins        Henry            17    MS             220   9
Jenkins        James            3     MS             225  21
Jenkins        James A          41    MS             225  15
Jenkins        James A          11    MS             211   6
Jenkins        Jennet           56    Tenn           220   4
Jenkins        John             13    MS             225  17
Jenkins        John             12    MS             220   8
Jenkins        Linna            35    MS             220   5
Jenkins        Martha           30    MS             225  16
Jenkins        Martin           25    MS             223   3
Jenkins        Mary             9     MS             225  18
Jenkins        Monroe           21    MS             222  34
Jenkins        Nancy            7     MS             225  19
Jenkins        Sarah            27    MS             164  13
Jenkins        Stacy            50    MS             222  33
Jenkins        Thomas           23    MS             223   2
Jenkins        Thomas           12    MS             220   7
Jenkins        Thomas           1     MS             225  22
Jenkins        Wiley            4     MS             209  15
Jenkins        Wiley            14    MS             220   6
Jenkins        William          62    Gra            220   3
Jenkins        William L        30    MS             211   4
Jewitt         David            50    Massacheutts   255  21
Johns          Abelard          40    MS             201  20
Johns          Adalaide         4     .              199  32
Johns          Amelia           33    MS             170  23
Johns          Benjamin F       30    MS             259  23
Johns          David            4     MS             259  26
Johns          Elizabeth        16    MS             201  28
Johns          Ellen            */12  MS             259  27
Johns          Griffin          45    MS             170  22
Johns          James            12    MS             170  25
Johns          John             18    MS             201  27
Johns          Julia            6     MS             199  31
Johns          Marietta         6     MS             259  25
Johns          Mildred          30    KY             259  24
Johns          Missouri         13    MS             201  29
Johns          Orlando          27    MS             201  26
Johns          Rachel           53    MS             201  25
Johns          Richardson       53    Gro            199  27
Johns          Tara             30    MS             199  30
Johns          Thomas           14    MS             170  24
Johns          William          6/12  .              199  33
Johns          William          29    MS             199  29
Johns          William L        57    Gra            201  24
Johnson        Caleb            22    MS             174  25
Johnson        Emily            2     MS             236  38
Johnson        Henry A          27    MS             236  36
Johnson        Lavina           20    MS             174  26
Johnson        Michael          19    LA             153   6
Johnson        Nancy            32    MS             236  37
Johnson        Ruth             70    SC             203  11
Johnson        Sarah            10/12 MS             174  27
Johnson        Washington       79    Virginia       246  36
Johnson        William          53    NY             259  12
Jones          Adaline          15    MS             201   5
Jones          Adolphus         5     MS             153  23
Jones          Aletha           6     MS             224  25
Jones          Allen            8     LA             257  30
Jones          Allen            2     MS             223  40
Jones          Amelia           33    MS             224   5
Jones          Anna             3     LA             257  31
Jones          Baby             8/12  MS             244  40
Jones          Baby             1     LA             257  32
Jones          Daniel           7     MS             224  36
Jones          David            17    MS             201   4
Jones          Dudly            31    MS             223  38
Jones          Edward           35    Ireland        257  27
Jones          Edwin A          17    MS             251   6
Jones          Ellen            57    Tenn           201   1
Jones          Ellen            35    LA             257  28
Jones          Fanny            7     MS             153  22
Jones          George           8/12  MS             224   1
Jones          George           11    MS             224  34
Jones          Jacob            9     MS             201   8
Jones          James M          30    MS             244  32
Jones          John             49    MS             200  40
Jones          John             13    MS             224  33
Jones          Joseph           58    SC             165   9
Jones          Joseph           13    MS             201   6
Jones          Julia            4     MS             224  26
Jones          Leona            2     MS             224  27
Jones          Margaret         23    MS             244  33
Jones          Mary             6     LA             257  29
Jones          Mary             55    MS             244  27
Jones          Micajah          34    MS             224  22
Jones          Moses            19    MS             201   3
Jones          Nancy            46    SC             165  10
Jones          Nancy            40    MS             224  30
Jones          Ora              3     MS             224  37
Jones          Phillip          32    MS             244  37
Jones          Reuben           21    MS             201   2
Jones          Russel           2     MS             244  36
Jones          Samuel           7     MS             201   9
Jones          Sarah            20    MS             244  38
Jones          Susan            5     MS             244  35
Jones          Susannah         24    MS             224  23
Jones          Virgina          7     MS             224  35
Jones          Virgina          19    MS             223  39
Jones          Virginia         8     MS             224  24
Jones          Washington       17    MS             224  31
Jones          William          7     MS             244  34
Jones          William          4     MS             244  39
Jones          William          15    MS             224  32
Jones          William          11    MS             201   7
Jones          William R        41    MS             224  29
Jones          William V        23    MS             244  28
The free display of the 1860 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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