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Amite County, MS 1870 Federal Census Index
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names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1870 census









































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McKendrick     Allen            18    MS              412b   3
McKendrick     Angeline         38    MS              412b   2
McKendrick     Edmond           16    MS              412b   4
McKendrick     Reuben           6/12  MS              412b   5
McKendrick     Rueben           30    Lousiaanna      412b   1
McKenzie       Delcinia         18    MS              442a  31
McKenzie       Henry            20    MS              442a  29
McKenzie       Hester           22    MS              442a  30
McKenzie       Joe              25    VA              442a  27
McKenzie       Mary             1     MS              442a  35
McKenzie       Nancy            50    MS              442a  28
McKenzie       Robert           10    MS              442a  33
McKenzie       Sallie           11    MS              442a  32
McKenzie       Wash             5     MS              442a  34
McKiney        Sallie           6     La              499b   3
McKinny        Elisabeth        18    LA              474a   4
McKinny        M                21    MS              474a   3
McKinny        Madison          2     MS              474a   5
McKinny        May              5/12  MS              474a   6
McKnight       A R              17    MS              513b  13
McKnight       Ada              15    MS              469a   5
McKnight       Adelia           16    MS              403a  32
McKnight       Albert           5     MS              413b  13
McKnight       Alethean         22    MS              463b  15
McKnight       Allice           16    MS              463b  30
McKnight       Amos             1     MS              469b  25
McKnight       Amy              6     MS              413b  12
McKnight       Angeline         11    MS              425b  27
McKnight       Barbary          6/12  MS              469a  11
McKnight       Bob              6/12  MS              469a  10
McKnight       Burton           5     MS              463b  28
McKnight       C M              12    MS              513b  16
McKnight       C P              20    MS              513b  14
McKnight       Calvin           9     MS              403a  35
McKnight       Caroline         7     MS              463b  27
McKnight       Caroline         27    MS              389b   8
McKnight       Charity          38    MS              394a  23
McKnight       Charles          5     MS              469a   8
McKnight       Charles          1     MS              403a  16
McKnight       Charles N        6     MS              424a  36
McKnight       Cresa            22    MS              389a  27
McKnight       Eliza            1     MS              463b  39
McKnight       Elizabeth        12    MS              469a   6
McKnight       Ellen            15    MS              425b  25
McKnight       Emerline         9     MS              425b  28
McKnight       Emily            35    MS              469a   9
McKnight       Emily            30    MS              402b  25
McKnight       Emily            2     MS              403a  38
McKnight       Gabriel          4     MS              463b  36
McKnight       George           12    MS              394a  25
McKnight       Georgia          8/12  MS              463b  19
McKnight       Georgiana        40    VA              463b  33
McKnight       Gusta            13    MS              402b  26
McKnight       H                48    MS              469a   2
McKnight       Hamilton         8     MS              424a  35
McKnight       Handy            38    MS              389b   9
McKnight       Hannah F         48    Alabama         424a  33
McKnight       Harriet          22    MS              389b  10
McKnight       Harriet          16    MS              469a   4
McKnight       Henry            7     MS              463b  38
McKnight       Henry            40    MS              463b  25
McKnight       Henry            30    MS              389a  26
McKnight       Henry            10    MS              394a  26
McKnight       Hettie           7     MS              403a  36
McKnight       Infant           5/12  MS              394a  29
McKnight       James            45    Virginia        425b  22
McKnight       James            10    MS              463b  35
McKnight       Jane             37    MS              425b  23
McKnight       Jannie           3     MS              469b  24
McKnight       John             5     MS              403a  37
McKnight       John             34    MS              463b  14
McKnight       John             2     MS              463b  18
McKnight       Joseph           5     MS              425b  29
McKnight       Josephine        8     MS              395a  36
McKnight       Julia A          3/12  MS              463b  37
McKnight       Laura            7     MS              402b  27
McKnight       Lea              2     MS              513b  18
McKnight       Lea              13    MS              469b  21
McKnight       Lee              6     MS              394a  28
McKnight       Lenard           14    MS              403a  33
McKnight       Lethia           8     MS              394a  27
McKnight       Lizzett          8     MS              469a   7
McKnight       Lorenzo          55    MS              402b  24
McKnight       Lorenzo          4     MS              463b  17
McKnight       Lozo             30    MS              463b  20
McKnight       Lucy             9     MS              513b  17
McKnight       Lydia            3/12  MS              425b  30
McKnight       Margaret         19    MS              403a  31
McKnight       Margaret         11    MS              469b  22
McKnight       Martha A         19    MS              463b  21
McKnight       Mary             58    Maryland        424a  37
McKnight       Mary             57    MS              403a  30
McKnight       Mary             40    MS              469a   3
McKnight       Mary             4     MS              389b  11
McKnight       Mary             31    MS              403a  34
McKnight       Mary             28    MS              413b  11
McKnight       Mary Jane        5/12  MS              463b  22
McKnight       Mason            7     MS              463b  16
McKnight       Matilda          25    MS              469b  20
McKnight       N B              46    Alabama         513b  12
McKnight       N H              15    MS              513b  15
McKnight       Nellie           70    MS              398b  34
McKnight       Nora             14    MS              463b  34
McKnight       Phillis          80    S Carolina      463b  32
McKnight       Rebecca          17    MS              394a  24
McKnight       Rebecca E        30    MS              403a  13
McKnight       Rosa             8     MS              463b  26
McKnight       Samuel           33    MS              413b   9
McKnight       Samuel           17    MS              425b  24
McKnight       Sarah            2     MS              389b  12
McKnight       Susan            27    Alabama         413b  10
McKnight       Teressa          13    MS              463b  31
McKnight       Theodore         54    So Carolina     424a  32
McKnight       Theodore         13    MS              424a  34
McKnight       Thomas           13    MS              425b  26
McKnight       Thomas E         58    MS              403a  29
McKnight       Thomas S         29    MS              403a  12
McKnight       Toney            5     MS              469b  23
McKnight       Wade             36    MS              469b  19
McKnight       Wilkes           12    MS              403a  17
McKnight       William          3     MS              463b  29
McKnight       William          2/12  MS              389a  28
McLain         A A              12    .               465b   6
McLain         Alex             2     Virginia        451b  30
McLain         Allen            3     MS              452a  13
McLain         Allen            1     .               465b  12
McLain         Ann              11    Virginia        452a  26
McLain         Barberry         24    MS              457a  40
McLain         Charity          65    Georgia         443a   7
McLain         Charles          38    LA              457a  39
McLain         Charles          15    MS              457b   1
McLain         E B              41    .               465b   1
McLain         Elvie            31    MS              452a  10
McLain         F A              18    .               465b   3
McLain         Frank            6     Virginia        451b  29
McLain         Frank            28    MS              465a  22
McLain         G B              58    Tenn            457b  35
McLain         George           9/12  MS              452a  14
McLain         Harriet          7     MS              457b   5
McLain         Harriet          7     .               465b   8
McLain         Henry            35    Virginia        451b  27
McLain         Isaac            41    MS              452a   9
McLain         J L              20    MS              457b  36
McLain         J V              6     .               465b   9
McLain         Jane             25    MS              465a  23
McLain         John             7     MS              457b   2
McLain         Juda L           1     MS              465a  25
McLain         L L              15    MS              457b  38
McLain         Lena             3     .               465b  11
McLain         Livi             6     MS              443a   9
McLain         Louisa           25    Virginia        451b  28
McLain         M E              17    .               465b   4
McLain         M E              16    MS              457b  37
McLain         M M              4     .               465b  10
McLain         M P              33    .               465b   2
McLain         Mariah           29    MS              443a   8
McLain         Mary Jane        3     MS              465a  24
McLain         Mike             4     MS              457b   3
McLain         N J              16    .               465b   5
McLain         Olivia           1     MS              457b   4
McLain         Orvia            6     MS              452a  11
McLain         R S              22    MS              507b  15
McLain         Riden            57    Virginia        443a   6
McLain         Robert           14    MS              509a   5
McLain         Samuel           *3    VA              457b   6
McLain         Siss             70    MS              457b   7
McLain         Tempie           5     MS              452a  12
McLain         W G              10    .               465b   7
McLean         A B              9     MS              451b  16
McLean         A S              30    MS              451b  14
McLean         C J              28    MS              451b  15
McLean         D H              7     MS              451b  17
McLean         E S              2     MS              451b  18
McLean         E V              24    MS              489a  25
McLean         Eliza            1     MS              425b  36
McLean         Ellen            21    MS              425b  33
McLean         J D              45    MS              452b  25
McLean         L J              19    MS              452b  27
McLean         Lizzie           8/12  MS              425b  34
McLean         M R              26    MS              489a  24
McLean         Millie           18    MS              425b  32
McLean         Sally            59    MS              425b  31
McLean         Therisa          39    MS              452b  26
McLean         Victoria         3     MS              425b  35
McLendon       Dennis           3     MS              499b  14
McLendon       George           56    S Carolina      499b   7
McLendon       Louisa           40    MS              499b   8
McLindon       Jessee           29    MS              428b  26
McLindon       Mary F           2     MS              428b  28
McLindon       Melissa L        23    MS              428b  27
McManus        Allen            19    MS              383b  14
McManus        Rosana           16    MS              383b  15
McMillan       Amazon           2     MS              381a  35
McMillan       Amelia           48    MS              459a   8
McMillan       Ben              6     MS              434b  28
McMillan       Betty            8     MS              434b  27
McMillan       C                40    MS              434b  26
McMillan       Dougald          30    MS              381a  32
McMillan       Francis          22    MS              416b   5
McMillan       Francis          22    So Carolina     414a  27
McMillan       Jack             57    Georgia         459a   7
McMillan       John M           3     MS              381a  34
McMillan       Margaret         15    MS              459a   9
McMillan       Scilla           18    MS              377a  33
McMillan       Stephen          28    MS              416b   4
McMillan       Stephen          26    So Carolina     414a  26
McMillan       Susan A          24    MS              381a  33
McMillan       William          8     MS              386b  26
McMorris       Charles P        6     MS              410a   7
McMorris       Emma J           8     MS              410a   6
McMorris       Joseph           60    SC              409b  40
McMorris       Joseph           16    MS              410a   3
McMorris       Maria            35    MS              511a  13
McMorris       Martha O         14    MS              410a   4
McMorris       Nancy J          17    MS              410a   2
McMorris       Robert H         3     MS              410a   8
McMorris       Samuel C         12    MS              410a   5
McMorris       Sarah            10/12 MS              410a   9
McMorris       Sarah E          *5    MS              410a   1
McMorris       Seborn           9     MS              511a  12
McMorris       Solomon          28    MS              395a  25
McNabb         Charles          2     MS              504a  14
McNabb         E E              20    MS              504a  13
McNabb         Jesse            19    La              503b  21
McNabb         M D              21    MS              503b  22
McNabb         N                30    La              504a  12
McNally        Lucinda          27    MS              386b  21
McNeal         Ben              50    MS              450a   9
McNeal         Ben              18    MS              450b   3
McNeal         Briston          20    MS              450a  11
McNeal         Candis           60    Georgia         450a  24
McNeal         Cecil            1     MS              450b  10
McNeal         Charles          3     MS              450b   9
McNeal         Ellen            4     MS              450b   8
McNeal         Emauel           9     MS              450b   7
McNeal         Hanah            35    MS              450a  10
McNeal         Hanah            1     MS              450a  23
McNeal         Harriet          42    MS              450b   2
McNeal         Isaac            37    MS              450a  19
McNeal         Janet            15    MS              450b   4
McNeal         Lettie           10    MS              450b   6
McNeal         Maria            16    MS              450a  13
McNeal         Raiford          8     MS              450a  15
McNeal         Richard          18    MS              450a  12
McNeal         Robert           44    MS              450b   1
McNeal         Sim              15    MS              450a  21
McNeal         Sylivia          35    MS              450a  20
McNeal         Tiner            3     MS              450a  22
McNeal         Victoria         13    MS              450b   5
McNeal         Willie           12    MS              450a  14
McNish         Rose             35    N Carolina      456a  13
McNulty        Abraham          25    MS              399a  15
McNulty        Calara L         9     MS              399a  12
McNulty        Irwin            3     MS              399a  17
McNulty        Julia            11/12 MS              399a  19
McNulty        Laura            21    MS              400a  24
McNulty        Lucy             20    MS              399a  16
McNulty        Margaret         5/12  MS              399a  14
McNulty        Monroe           22    MS              400a  23
McNulty        Phileta          3     MS              399a  13
McNulty        Samuel           36    MS              399a  10
McNulty        Sarah            33    MS              399a  11
McNulty        Smiley           9/12  MS              399a  18
McRea          Anna             8     MS              473a   6
McRea          Blake            26    MS              473a   4
McRea          D                23    North Carolina  497a  28
McRea          Kinsy            20    MS              473a   5
McRea          Mary             1     MS              473a   8
McRea          Mattie           4     MS              473a   7
McRhea         Alsey            10    MS              421a  15
McRhea         Henderson        48    MS              421a  10
McRhea         Henderson        13    MS              421a  12
McRhea         Joseph           5     MS              421a  16
McRhea         Moses            3     MS              421a  17
McRhea         Roda             42    Virginia        421a  11
McRhea         Samuel           12    MS              421a  14
McRhea         Tempy            13    MS              421a  13
Mercer         A K              30    MS              454a  28
Mercer         C A              22    MS              454a  29
Mercer         E L              16    MS              454a  30
Mercer         E W              58    MS              454a  27
Mercer         Thomas           56    Georgia         454a  26
Meuerhand      C                22    MS              478a  34
Middleton      Adline           3     MS              443a  28
Middleton      Anna             30    MS              438a  40
Middleton      Charles          6     MS              443a  27
Middleton      E J              42    MS              443a  23
Middleton      F                30    MS              476a   8
Middleton      Louisa           21    MS              420b  11
Middleton      Margaret         4     MS              438b   1
Middleton      Sarah            1     MS              438b   2
Miles          A M              58    MS              450a  38
Miles          Allice           5     MS              460a  39
Miles          Anderson         10    MS              460a  38
Miles          Antony           10    MS              467b  26
Miles          Austin           47    MS              460a  34
Miles          Ben              12    MS              467b  25
Miles          Chaney           35    MS              417a   2
Miles          Charles          1     MS              460a  40
Miles          Delia            2     MS              467b  28
Miles          Eliza            37    MS              460a  35
Miles          Ferguson         24    MS              417a   1
Miles          George           16    MS              450b  11
Miles          Irene            1     MS              417a  11
Miles          Isaac            52    Tenn            442a  24
Miles          James            12    MS              450b  13
Miles          Joe              16    MS              460a  36
Miles          Jordan           12    MS              460a  37
Miles          Lettie           52    MS              442a  25
Miles          M E              57    Alabama         450a  39
Miles          Marshal          17    MS              442a  26
Miles          Minerva          6     MS              467b  27
Miles          Sarah            17    MS              450a  40
Miles          Thomas           13    MS              450b  12
Miles          Violett          28    LA              467b  24
Miles          William          20    MS              438a  19
Miller         Allen            50    .               432a  19
Miller         Benton           13    .               432a  13
Miller         Calvin           38    MS              490a  22
Miller         Charity          9     MS              427b   1
Miller         Charity          35    MS              431b  18
Miller         Charles          12    La              496a  28
Miller         Cicero           8     .               432a  21
Miller         Delia            46    .               432a  10
Miller         Dilsa            12    La              496a  24
Miller         Edmond           38    MS              431b  17
Miller         Eliza            8     MS              431b  19
Miller         Francis          45    MS              419a  17
Miller         George           9     MS              496a  29
Miller         George           38    La              496a  26
Miller         Georgiana        26    Ky              496a  27
Miller         Jesse            20    .               432a  11
Miller         Lawrence         14    .               432a  12
Miller         Leonalch         20    MS              496a  31
Miller         Olive            9     .               432a  15
Miller         Rachel           11    .               432a  14
Miller         Robert           57    .               432a   9
Miller         Samuel           14    MS              496a  30
Miller         Terry            52    .               432a  20
Miller         William          26    ** (NY)         376a  10
Mingo          John             28    MS              395b  40
Minor          Claiborne        44    MS              404a  37
Minor          Matilda          45    MS              404a  38
Minor          Seaborn          15    MS              404a  39
Mitchel        Isaiah           2     MS              505b  37
Mitchel        Nancy            50    MS              505b  35
Mitchel        Rachel           15    MS              505b  36
Mitchel        Robert           63    Kentucky        505b  34
Mitchell       C E              3     MS              464a  31
Mitchell       E A              25    LA              464a  30
Mitchell       Infant           5/12  MS              464a  33
Mitchell       J L              2     MS              464a  32
Mitchell       L L              26    Ala             464a  29
Mitchels       Thomas           21    MS              383b  36
Mixon          Abner            26    MS              428a   1
Mixon          Alexander        40    .               432a  35
Mixon          Alexander        12    .               432a  38
Mixon          Amanda L         17    MS              427b  40
Mixon          Armadilla        5     MS              422b  24
Mixon          Charles          4/12  MS              430a  32
Mixon          Charlotte        34    .               432a  36
Mixon          Cornelia E       14    MS              427b  36
Mixon          Delia            4     MS              431b   7
Mixon          Dora             16    .               432a  39
Mixon          Easter           3     MS              432b  19
Mixon          Edwin B          44    MS              428a  23
Mixon          Elisabeth        69    S Carolina      428a  31
Mixon          Eliza            40    MS              432b  16
Mixon          Elizabeth O      19    MS              428a   2
Mixon          Emeline          35    MS              430a  33
Mixon          Emily            25    MS              430a  29
Mixon          Enos             29    MS              432b  15
Mixon          Falba C          52    MS              427b  33
Mixon          Falba S          16    MS              427b  35
Mixon          George           15    MS              431b   4
Mixon          James S          11    MS              428a  26
Mixon          Jane             6     MS              430a  30
Mixon          Jefferson        6     .               432a  40
Mixon          John J           9     MS              428a  27
Mixon          Juda             25    MS              432b  32
Mixon          Lavinia R        14    MS              427b  37
Mixon          Lewis G          18    MS              428a  28
Mixon          Manuel           28    Louisiana       430a  28
Mixon          Maria            29    MS              432b  11
Mixon          Martha           4     MS              430a  31
Mixon          Martha           38    MS              431b   3
Mixon          Melissa          20    MS              432b  18
Mixon          Melissa A        30    MS              428a  24
Mixon          Millard F        14    MS              428a  25
Mixon          Obid             53    MS              427b  32
Mixon          Obid F           18    MS              427b  34
Mixon          Obid F           1     MS              428a   4
Mixon          Owen             55    MS              431b   2
Mixon          Patsey           67    MS              432b  14
Mixon          Robert           39    MS              432b  10
Mixon          Samuel           27    MS              432b  17
Mixon          Sarah            11    MS              431b   5
Mixon          Scott            19    MS              431b  15
Mixon          Sylvia           6     MS              432b  13
Mixon          Viola A          11    MS              427b  38
Mixon          Wiliferd         9     MS              431b   6
Mixon          William          4     MS              430a  34
Mixon          William          28    MS              427b  39
Mixon          William          14    .               432a  37
Mixon          William          11    MS              432b  12
Mixon          William V        3     MS              428a   3
Moaton         Isom             81    Georgia         423a  11
Montgomery     Alla M           35    MS              388b  18
Montgomery     Amanda A         35    MS              388b  19
Montgomery     Ann              10    MS              417a  17
Montgomery     C E              22    MS              470b  35
Montgomery     Calista          22    MS              386a   4
Montgomery     Darcas           45    MS              417a  13
Montgomery     Dilsy            16    MS              426a  18
Montgomery     E A J            20    MS              470b  36
Montgomery     E G              12    MS              470b  38
Montgomery     Ebenezer         9/12  MS              404a  22
Montgomery     Houston F        6/12  MS              388b  23
Montgomery     Irvin            18    MS              404a  21
Montgomery     J A              6     MS              470b  39
Montgomery     J E              51    MS              470b  33
Montgomery     Jesse            8     MS              388b  20
Montgomery     Joel R           5     MS              396a   4
Montgomery     Joseph           13    MS              417a  14
Montgomery     Julia A          31    MS              396a   2
Montgomery     Levy             60    MS              417a  12
Montgomery     Madison          12    MS              417a  15
Montgomery     Maria            40    MS              404a  20
Montgomery     Menthie          11    MS              417a  16
Montgomery     N                1     MS              471a   1
Montgomery     Olivia           5     MS              388b  21
Montgomery     Ophelia          9     MS              396a   3
Montgomery     S L              45    La              470b  34
Montgomery     Sarah S          2     MS              388b  22
Montgomery     Sidney           14    MS              471a   3
Montgomery     Tobe             60    MS              471a   2
Montgomery     Washington       28    MS              426a  17
Montgomery     Wiley            35    MS              396a   1
Montgomery     Will E           16    MS              470b  37
Montgomery     William          41    MS              388b  17
Montgomery     William          27    MS              386a   3
Moore          Adeline          20    MS              398a  31
Moore          Alice            8     MS              393b  40
Moore          Alice            10    MS              405b  36
Moore          Allen            38    MS              405a  39
Moore          Ann Eliza        17    MS              385a  38
Moore          B C              9     MS              445a  11
Moore          Bella            18    MS              391b  25
Moore          Blanchard        6     MS              405b  38
Moore          Bryant           12    MS              405b  35
Moore          Charles          28    MS              445a  15
Moore          David            10    MS              393b  39
Moore          Eliza            47    MS              468b  28
Moore          Ernest           2     MS              405b  39
Moore          Francis          22    MS              446a  34
Moore          Frederick        32    Germany         410b  17
Moore          George W         36    MS              385a  37
Moore          Hagar            40    MS              391b  23
Moore          Hauden           23    MS              446a  29
Moore          Hennie           3     MS              468b  29
Moore          Henry            4     MS              400a  11
Moore          Henry            27    Ky              468b  27
Moore          Infant           1     MS              397b  27
Moore          Ira              3     MS              410b  20
Moore          Isaac            30    MS              400a   8
Moore          Iverson L        9     MS              390a  33
Moore          James H          8     MS              405b   4
Moore          Jane             27    MS              510b  13
Moore          Johnie H         13    MS              390a  32
Moore          Johnnie          6     MS              410b  19
Moore          Joseph A         13    MS              405b   1
Moore          Kizer            20    MS              391b  24
Moore          Kizziana         6     MS              397b  25
Moore          L*****           60    MS              391b  22
Moore          Laura R          6     MS              405b   5
Moore          Lucinda          13    MS              385a  39
Moore          March            58    MS              393b  36
Moore          Martha           30    MS              391b  40
Moore          Martha           30    MS              390b  24
Moore          Martha           29    MS              410b  18
Moore          Martha A         10    MS              385a  40
Moore          Mary             40    MS              393b  37
Moore          Mary             1     MS              410b  21
Moore          Mary A           32    MS              406a  37
Moore          Mary B           8     MS              406a  40
Moore          Mary J           2     MS              446a  35
Moore          Matilda          2     MS              510b  14
Moore          Mattaline        3     MS              397b  26
Moore          Oracissas        5     MS              385b   1
Moore          Pearla E         4     MS              390a  34
Moore          Rachel           30    MS              400a   9
Moore          Rhoda            27    MS              397b  24
Moore          Russel D         11    MS              406a  39
Moore          Samuel           12    MS              393b  38
Moore          Samuel B         13    MS              406a  38
Moore          Samuel E         12    MS              405b   2
Moore          Sarah R          33    MS              405a  40
Moore          Spencer          35    MS              397b  23
Moore          Susan            12    MS              405b   7
Moore          T L              33    MS              445a  10
Moore          Thomas           8     MS              405b  37
Moore          Thomas L         2     MS              390a  35
Moore          William C        10    MS              405b   3
Morgan         A E              45    Ala             496b   2
Morgan         A E Jr           2     MS              496b   9
Morgan         Alex             26    MS              469a  40
Morgan         Berry            30    MS              491a  22
Morgan         Caroline         2     MS              469b   4
Morgan         Charles          22    MS              480a   1
Morgan         Clorinda         43    MS              514b   4
Morgan         D W              22    MS              496b  10
Morgan         E A              13    MS              496b   5
Morgan         E E              10    MS              514b   6
Morgan         F B              58    MS              477a  16
Morgan         G M              10    MS              496b   7
Morgan         H B              8     MS              496b   8
Morgan         H S              12    MS              496b   6
Morgan         Henry            15    MS              496a  34
Morgan         Hiram            19    MS              477a  18
Morgan         J G              52    MS              514b   3
Morgan         J H H            7     MS              514b   7
Morgan         James            9     MS              496a  38
Morgan         Jerry            23    MS              496b  21
Morgan         John             11    MS              496a  37
Morgan         Joseph           14    MS              496a  35
Morgan         Lethia           26    MS              469b   1
Morgan         Lewis            9     MS              480a   2
Morgan         Lizzie           5     MS              469b   3
Morgan         Lucinda          20    MS              496b  22
Morgan         Lula             2     MS              514b   8
Morgan         M F              14    MS              514b   5
Morgan         Maria            26    MS              496a  33
Morgan         Marshall         5     MS              477a  19
Morgan         Martha           2     MS              496b   1
Morgan         Martha           2     MS              496b  23
Morgan         Matilda          17    MS              404b  18
Morgan         Mildred          8     MS              476b  18
Morgan         Miss             14    MS              477a  17
Morgan         Nancy            12    MS              469b   2
Morgan         P A              16    MS              496b   4
Morgan         Prince           12    MS              496a  36
Morgan         Richard          7     MS              496a  39
Morgan         S S              18    MS              496b   3
Morgan         Sam              33    Ala             496a  32
Morgan         Samuel           4     MS              496a  40
Morgan         Wiley            62    MS              479b  40
Morgan         Wilford          20    MS              404b  17
Morris         Francis          20    MS              514a  35
Morris         M A              54    MS              507a   3
Morris         Nancy            18    MS              419b  10
Morris         Richard          35    MS              419b   9
Morris         Taylor           23    MS              514a  34
Mory           Alexander        29    MS              379a  16
Mory           Alice            13    MS              379a  18
Mory           George           4     MS              379a  19
Mory           Jane             25    MS              379a  17
Moses          Allen            1     MS              484b   1
Moses          Augar            21    MS              484a  39
Moses          Calvin           8     MS              498b  26
Moses          Daniel           55    S Carolina      484b   2
Moses          Eliza            3     MS              498b  27
Moses          Jane             27    MS              498b  25
Moses          Maria            1/12  MS              498b  28
Moses          Rebecca          18    MS              484a  40
Moses          Washington       38    MS              498b  24
Mot*           Harriet H        15    MS              428a  30
Mot*           Maranda          40    MS              428a  29
Murphy         John             21    Ireland         382a  21
Myers          Carroll L        2     MS              427b  31
Myers          Clorinda         27    MS              427b  30
Myers          Francis W        29    MS              427b  29
Myers          G G              16    MS              489a  26
Myers          Judah            24    MS              404b   1
Myers          Margaret         9     MS              404b   2
Myers          Sally            24    MS              488b  32
The free display of the 1870 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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