The USGenWeb Census Project®
Amite County, MS 1870 Federal Census Index
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Click on the letter-button to see an alphabetical list of the
names enumerated in the Amite County, MS 1870 census









































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Umberger       Angeline         14    MS              487a   9
Umberger       C W              43    Pa              487a   6
Umberger       F E              11    MS              487a  10
Umberger       Georgia          5     MS              487a  13
Umberger       J L              16    MS              487a   8
Umberger       Mary A           34    MS              487a   7
Umberger       Moses            1     MS              487a  14
Umberger       Viola            9     MS              487a  11
Umberger       Virginia         7     MS              487a  12
Underwood      A W              33    Ky              490a   6
Underwood      AA               46    MS              455b   6
Underwood      E C              28    MS              490a   7
Underwood      John             46    Tenn            455b   5
Underwood      L F              1     MS              490a   9
Underwood      W D              3     MS              490a   8
Upshire        Charity          34    MS              379b  17
Upshire        Elisa            10    MS              379b  21
Upshire        George           16    MS              379b  19
Upshire        James            14    MS              379b  20
Upshire        Ned              49    MS              379b  16
Upshire        Samuel           40    VA              379b  18
Vakleek        J                74    Pa              477a   2
Van            Richard          70    MS              423a  29
Van Hallen     R W              18    MS              487b  32
Van Norman     A L              3     MS              458a  31
Van Norman     Albert           1     MS              458a  32
Van Norman     Ann              4     MS              475b  31
Van Norman     C C              46    Indiana         488b   6
Van Norman     Chaney           5     MS              455b  19
Van Norman     E E              3     MS              488b  12
Van Norman     E E              15    MS              452a  31
Van Norman     Eli              7     MS              455b  18
Van Norman     Elizabeth        64    Ky              510b  28
Van Norman     Elizabeth        25    MS              475b  30
Van Norman     Garnet           36    MS              396a  13
Van Norman     H                70    N York          510b  27
Van Norman     H L              19    MS              452a  29
Van Norman     J S              9/12  MS              452a  36
Van Norman     J W              16    MS              488b   9
Van Norman     K E              18    MS              488b   8
Van Norman     L W              5     MS              488b  11
Van Norman     Logan            1     MS              475b  32
Van Norman     M C              15    MS              452a  30
Van Norman     M L              8     MS              458a  30
Van Norman     M L              10    MS              452a  32
Van Norman     M W              39    MS              488b   7
Van Norman     Matilda          55    MS              418a   9
Van Norman     May              5/12  MS              455b  23
Van Norman     N A              25    MS              458a  29
Van Norman     N E              6     MS              452a  34
Van Norman     R C              40    MS              452a  28
Van Norman     R L              8     MS              452a  33
Van Norman     Russel D         3     MS              396a  15
Van Norman     S P              32    MS              458a  28
Van Norman     Thomas H         1     MS              396a  16
Van Norman     Tom              30    MS              475b  29
Van Norman     Virginia M       32    MS              396a  14
Van Norman     W                8     MS              507a  11
Van Norman     W G              3     MS              452a  35
Van Norman     W K L            8     MS              488b  10
Van Norman     Wm L             42    Indiana         452a  27
Varnada        Andrew           2     MS              432b  30
Varnada        Darcas           21    MS              432b  27
Varnada        Laura            4     MS              432b  29
Varnada        Lewis            28    MS              432b  26
Varnada        Missouri         5     MS              432b  28
Varnada        Victorieen       11/12 MS              432b  31
Varnado        Binson           17    MS              429a  15
Varnado        Cornelius        11    MS              429a  19
Varnado        Dump             16    MS              429a  16
Varnado        E                75    South Carolina  497a  30
Varnado        Emma             7     MS              501b  14
Varnado        Hester           15    MS              429a  17
Varnado        Irvin            7     MS              429a  21
Varnado        Isom             28    La              501b  11
Varnado        Jane             9/12  MS              429a  24
Varnado        Laura            8     MS              501b  13
Varnado        Minerva          20    La              501b  12
Varnado        Moses            3     MS              429a  23
Varnado        Newton           5     MS              501b  15
Varnado        Ranson           21    MS              429a  14
Varnado        Robert           9     MS              429a  20
Varnado        Robert           49    MS              429a  12
Varnado        Samuel           5     MS              429a  22
Varnado        Silas            13    MS              429a  18
Varnado        Tempic           43    MS              429a  13
Vick           Cornelia         15    N Ca            494a   1
Vick           Delia            4     MS              494a   5
Vick           Henry Clay       9     MS              494a   3
Vick           John W           11    MS              494a   2
Vick           Mary             37    MS              493b  39
Vick           Victoria         6     MS              494a   4
Vick           Wiley            55    MS              493b  38
Wactor         Abraham          27    MS              395b  38
Wactor         Arminda          27    MS              395b  35
Wactor         Caroline         32    MS              395b  36
Wactor         Clorinda         23    MS              395b  37
Wactor         John             80    SC              395b  32
Wactor         John B           1     MS              397b  31
Wactor         Kizziana         60    MS              397b  32
Wactor         Mary             35    MS              395b  34
Wactor         Millie           24    MS              397b  30
Wactor         Sandy            23    MS              397b  29
Wactor         Susan            79    SC              395b  33
Waddle         Matilda          60    VA              467a  32
Walker         Anna             21    MS              451a  32
Walker         Archie           12    MS              451a  33
Walker         Catherine        35    Missouri        457a   6
Walker         Charles          24    MS              451a  31
Walker         Dinnie L         14    MS              398a   5
Walker         Eliza            18    MS              457a   9
Walker         Ellen            1/12  MS              450a  37
Walker         Henderson        16    MS              450a  33
Walker         Henrietta        19    MS              450a  32
Walker         Infant           2/12  MS              462b  19
Walker         Infant           1/12  MS              457a  10
Walker         James            75    Virginia        450a  30
Walker         Jane             40    VA              467b  30
Walker         Jeff             49    Kentucky        467b  29
Walker         John E           55    MS              398a   1
Walker         Lafayette        24    MS              398a   3
Walker         Leah             9     MS              450a  35
Walker         Leander          10    MS              398a  18
Walker         Lindy            4     MS              462b  18
Walker         Loyd             19    LA              467b  31
Walker         Lucy             33    MS              462b  16
Walker         Mary             59    Ky              510b   5
Walker         Mary             3     MS              450a  36
Walker         Mary A           20    MS              398a   4
Walker         Matilda          57    Kentucky        450a  31
Walker         Matilda          17    MS              457a   8
Walker         Nelson           8     MS              462b  17
Walker         Pamelia          39    MS              398a   2
Walker         Peter            15    MS              450a  34
Walker         Samuel           34    MS              457a   5
Walker         Thornton         21    MS              450a   7
Walker         V L              21    MS              510b   6
Walker         Walker           16    MS              457a   7
Walker         Willie E         2     MS              398a   6
Wall           A E              31    MS              474a   1
Wall           A J              7     MS              504a  24
Wall           A J              24    MS              474a   2
Wall           Adeline          36    MS              500a  26
Wall           Alethea          17    MS              500a  20
Wall           Alfred           35    MS              500a  17
Wall           B B              11    MS              500a  28
Wall           B M              46    MS              501b  23
Wall           Benjamin         36    MS              500a  25
Wall           Benjamin         17    MS              500a  19
Wall           C A              11    MS              501b  37
Wall           C G              2     MS              500b   9
Wall           C J              73    S Carolina      499a  39
Wall           C V              11    MS              500b   7
Wall           Calvin           8     LA              501a   3
Wall           Champ            47    LA              501a   2
Wall           Charles          16    LA              501a   4
Wall           Charles L        3     MS              501b  21
Wall           Charles N        12    MS              430b  18
Wall           Charlotte        34    LA              501a   7
Wall           Clorinda         28    La              501b  17
Wall           D D              */12  MS              501a  40
Wall           D J              22    MS              501a  38
Wall           D W              31    MS              499b  26
Wall           David            5     MS              501b  20
Wall           E A              12    MS              500b   6
Wall           E B              43    MS              500b   4
Wall           E F              13    MS              504a  23
Wall           E L              19    MS              501b  25
Wall           E M              7     MS              500a  30
Wall           Ellen B          8     MS              501a  21
Wall           Epsa             38    MS              482a  26
Wall           Esaw             13    MS              500a  21
Wall           Francis P        50    Mass            499a  40
Wall           G G              3     MS              500a  32
Wall           George           3/12  MS              482a  28
Wall           H C              49    MS              501b  22
Wall           H G              45    MS              501b  33
Wall           Hampton          41    MS              501b  16
Wall           Harvey E         13    MS              430b  17
Wall           Henrietta        44    MS              501b  34
Wall           Ida              2     MS              501b  28
Wall           Isaac            15    LA              501a   5
Wall           J J              11    MS              504a  25
Wall           J L              14    MS              501b  36
Wall           J M              16    MS              501b  35
Wall           Jane             20    MS              499b   5
Wall           Jefferson        9     MS              430b  19
Wall           Joe              1     MS              499b   6
Wall           L A              25    MS              501b   2
Wall           L A              16    MS              501b  31
Wall           L E              5     MS              500b   8
Wall           LOretta          7     MS              500a  22
Wall           M A              16    MS              504a  22
Wall           M A              16    MS              501b  24
Wall           M E              40    MS              500b   5
Wall           M J              38    MS              504a  21
Wall           M J              26    La              499b  27
Wall           M J              18    MS              501b   4
Wall           M J              13    MS              500a  27
Wall           M M              22    MS              501a  39
Wall           Martha A         8     MS              501b  19
Wall           Mary A           10    MS              501b  18
Wall           Millie           9     LA              501a   6
Wall           N P              1     MS              499b  28
Wall           Ned              22    MS              499b   4
Wall           O E              9     MS              500a  29
Wall           Powell           6     MS              501b  26
Wall           R C              56    S Ca            501b   1
Wall           R J              22    MS              501b   3
Wall           Rachel           55    Virginia        503b  33
Wall           Rachel           40    S Caroina       500a  18
Wall           Rhoda            68    MS              500b  10
Wall           Richard          48    MS              482a  25
Wall           S J              44    Va              499a   2
Wall           Sallie           1     MS              500a  23
Wall           Sarah            37    MS              501b  30
Wall           Sarah            25    MS              501b  27
Wall           Smith            8     La              499b  29
Wall           Sylvia           22    MS              412a   6
Wall           W C              5     MS              500a  31
Wall           W G              10    MS              501b  32
Wall           W L              48    MS              501b  29
Wall           William          4     MS              482a  27
Wall           Willie S         10    MS              501a  20
Wallace        Amy              7     MS              400a  27
Wallace        Anderson         13    MS              417b  39
Wallace        James            24    MS              400a  25
Wallace        Jennie           5     MS              400a  29
Wallace        Josephine        4     MS              417b  40
Wallace        Susana           23    MS              400a  26
Wallace        Terry            6     MS              400a  28
Wallace        William          1     MS              400a  30
Waller         Elizabeth        15    LA              436b   2
Waller         Mary             44    LA              436b   1
Walsh          Josephine        4     MS              460b  28
Walsh          Sarah            6     MS              460b  27
Walter         E G              46    Lousiana        435b  31
Walter         Elizabeth        10    .               435b  35
Walter         Green B          8     MS              435b  36
Walter         James A          7/12  MS              435b  39
Walter         Jep              22    MS              468b   7
Walter         L J              6     MS              435b  40
Walter         Lawrence         5     MS              435b  37
Walter         Liddia           14    LA              435b  33
Walter         Mary J           40    Texas           435b  32
Walter         Matilda          2     MS              435b  38
Walter         Missouri         13    LA              435b  34
Walton         Henry            30    MS              423b   5
Washburn       Alice            4     MS              513b  28
Washburn       C E              46    Vt              508b  13
Washburn       Emma             33    Vt              508b  14
Washburn       Isaac            63    Ky              513b  26
Washburn       Isaac            6     MS              513b  27
Washington     A                25    La              477b   3
Washington     Adam             46    Florida         503a  13
Washington     Betina           1     MS              477b   8
Washington     Caroline         23    MS              422a  11
Washington     Charles          3     MS              460b   5
Washington     Ellen            50    Missouri        460b   6
Washington     Emily            11    MS              503a  16
Washington     Emma             8     MS              442b  35
Washington     Fannie           6     MS              442b  36
Washington     Frank            3/12  MS              442b  38
Washington     G                65    Va              510b  29
Washington     Geo              29    MS              460b   2
Washington     Infant           3/12  MS              394b  31
Washington     Jemima           4     MS              503a  18
Washington     Joe              3     MS              477b   7
Washington     John             9/12  MS              422a  14
Washington     John             8     MS              503a  17
Washington     Kemp             46    MS              422a  10
Washington     Kizzie           30    MS              394b  30
Washington     L                5     MS              495b  13
Washington     Laura            11    MS              460b   4
Washington     Lenox            32    MS              442b  33
Washington     Louisiana        15    MS              442b  34
Washington     Margaret         26    MS              460b   3
Washington     Maria            50    MS              510b  30
Washington     Mary             9     MS              503a  19
Washington     Mathew           7     MS              477b   5
Washington     Melissa          15    MS              503a  15
Washington     Moses            20    MS              394b  29
Washington     Philis           3     MS              422a  13
Washington     Rose             4     MS              477b   6
Washington     Sarah            4     MS              422a  12
Washington     Sarah            24    MS              477b   4
Washington     Tinie            46    MS              503a  14
Washington     Wate             3     MS              442b  37
Waters         Isaiah           9     MS              490b   4
Waters         Knight           70    Va              490b   1
Waters         Mais             30    MS              490b   2
Waters         Rachel           14    MS              490b   3
Watkins        George           40    Va              501a  33
Watkins        Henry            2     MS              501a  34
Watson         Ben              14    MS              443a  21
Watson         Catharine        22    MS              429b   1
Watson         Catherine        10    MS              422b   9
Watson         Charity          8/12  MS              429b   3
Watson         Charles          26    MS              429a  40
Watson         Coela            8     MS              422b  10
Watson         David            44    MS              443a  16
Watson         Edmond           5/12  MS              443a  20
Watson         George           13    MS              443a  18
Watson         Green            14    MS              422b   8
Watson         Henry            6     MS              422b  11
Watson         Janet            31    MS              422b   6
Watson         Johnson          3     MS              429b   2
Watson         Maria            15    MS              422b   7
Watson         N R              10    MS              443a  19
Watson         Rosa             33    MS              443a  17
Watson         Sarah            10    MS              443a  22
Watts          C S              26    MS              500a  33
Watts          L K              20    MS              500a  34
Weathersby     Adaline          25    MS              465a   9
Weathersby     Adeline          36    MS              399b  16
Weathersby     Adeline          28    MS              395b   2
Weathersby     Adeline          2     MS              395a   3
Weathersby     Alfred           4     MS              465a  15
Weathersby     Allen            31    MS              395a   1
Weathersby     Bernet Mary      70    MS              395b   6
Weathersby     Catharine        6     MS              395a  23
Weathersby     Clayton          9     MS              398b  22
Weathersby     Cob              14    .               396b  40
Weathersby     D                22    MS              478a  38
Weathersby     Eliza L          14    MS              400a   5
Weathersby     Elizabeth        61    MS              413b  35
Weathersby     Elizabeth        29    MS              396b  30
Weathersby     Ellen            2/12  MS              465a  17
Weathersby     Ellen            12    MS              399a  29
Weathersby     Ellison          34    MS              465a   8
Weathersby     Emma A           6     MS              396b  33
Weathersby     Francis          4     MS              395b   3
Weathersby     Francis          17    MS              465a  10
Weathersby     Gillian          9/12  MS              396b  36
Weathersby     Harriet          50    MS              395b   7
Weathersby     Harriet          2     MS              395b   4
Weathersby     Harriet E        10    MS              396b  31
Weathersby     Hasty            112   NC              403a   1
Weathersby     Hatter**         33    MS              396b  29
Weathersby     Hiram            8/12  MS              383b  30
Weathersby     Jackson          45    MS              395a  20
Weathersby     James            42    MS              395b   1
Weathersby     James            10    MS              395b   8
Weathersby     Jennie           5     MS              398b  24
Weathersby     John             2/12  MS              395b   5
Weathersby     John             13    MS              465a  12
Weathersby     Leona            30    MS              395a   2
Weathersby     Lewis            10    MS              395a  22
Weathersby     Lillian          9/12  MS              396b  35
Weathersby     Louisa A         9     MS              400a   6
Weathersby     Lydy             50    Va              508b  34
Weathersby     Martha           3     MS              383b  29
Weathersby     Martha           16    MS              465a  11
Weathersby     Mary             40    MS              398b  21
Weathersby     Mary J           16    MS              400a   4
Weathersby     Mary L           39    MS              400a   2
Weathersby     Matilda          22    MS              383b  28
Weathersby     Missouri         9     MS              465a  13
Weathersby     Nannie           2     MS              465a  16
Weathersby     Robin            2     MS              395a  24
Weathersby     S D              34    MS              395a  15
Weathersby     Sally            44    TN              395a  21
Weathersby     Seaborn          6     MS              465a  14
Weathersby     Sylvester        7     MS              398b  23
Weathersby     Thomas H         8     MS              396b  32
Weathersby     Thomas K         6     MS              400a   7
Weathersby     Walter B         18    MS              400a   3
Weathersby     Walter W         44    LA              400a   1
Weathersby     William O        4     MS              396b  34
Weaver         C L              1/12  MS              503a  40
Weaver         James            19    MS              503a  38
Weaver         Martha           18    MS              503a  39
Webb           Aaron            5     MS              378a   4
Webb           Alex             14    MS              443b  20
Webb           Alpha            20    MS              507a   5
Webb           Andrew B         6     .               421b  18
Webb           Andrew H         6     MS              401a  25
Webb           B R              18    MS              513b   9
Webb           Caroline         21    GA              401a  40
Webb           Carroll          10    MS              417a   5
Webb           Casa             13    MS              417a   3
Webb           Colula           2     MS              378a   5
Webb           D W              30    Canada          509b  28
Webb           Eliza E          11    .               421b  15
Webb           Florence C       2     MS              401a  26
Webb           Francis          3     MS              417a   9
Webb           Francis E        2     .               421b  20
Webb           Frank            70    So Carolina     507a  23
Webb           Geo F            52    MS              376a   1
Webb           Geo F            12    MS              376a   6
Webb           Grazella M       18    GA              401b   2
Webb           Henry            24    MS              507a   4
Webb           Hisamo           30    MS              378a   1
Webb           Ida T            4     .               421b  19
Webb           James G          27    GA              401a  38
Webb           Jane             28    MS              378a   2
Webb           John F           36    GA              401a  23
Webb           John R P         10/12 .               421b  21
Webb           Julia            18    MS              403b  32
Webb           Lorena C         41    .               421b  12
Webb           Louisa M         48    AL              376a   2
Webb           Lucinda          59    GA              401a  37
Webb           Manuel           6     MS              417a   7
Webb           March            70    Va              513b  39
Webb           Martha           13    MS              417a   4
Webb           Mary             4     MS              417a   8
Webb           Mary F           28    MS              401a  24
Webb           Mary F           16    .               421b  13
Webb           Mattie L         22    MS              376a   4
Webb           McClung          19    MS              376a   5
Webb           Minnie L         1     MS              376a   7
Webb           Pleasant C       7     .               421b  17
Webb           Pleasant C       41    .               421b  11
Webb           S J              32    MS              513b   8
Webb           Samuel B         20    GA              401b   1
Webb           Sarah F          24    GA              401a  39
Webb           Seaborn          8     MS              417a   6
Webb           Sophia E         9     .               421b  16
Webb           Susan            2     MS              417a  10
Webb           Thomas           7     MS              378a   3
Webb           Thomas J         15    GA              401b   3
Webb           W G              33    MS              513b   7
Webb           William          10    MS              443b  21
Webb           William H        26    MS              376a   3
Webb           William S        13    .               421b  14
Wells          Alexander        25    MS              403b  28
Wells          Alexander        1     MS              398b  20
Wells          Andrew           16    MS              398b  13
Wells          Andrew           10    MS              401b  33
Wells          Andy             21    MS              402a   5
Wells          Ann              40    MS              401b  31
Wells          Caroline         25    MS              403b  29
Wells          Christopher      15    MS              403b  27
Wells          Clinton          25    MS              400a  15
Wells          Daranna          17    MS              402a   6
Wells          Dary             21    MS              402a  13
Wells          Delia            10    MS              398b  16
Wells          Dinah            8     MS              401b  34
Wells          Eugene L         6     MS              398b   8
Wells          George           48    MS              398b   1
Wells          George           1     MS              402a  15
Wells          George M         14    MS              398b   6
Wells          George W         19    MS              403b  26
Wells          Hester           12    MS              398b  15
Wells          Jackson          20    MS              398b  11
Wells          James E          21    MS              403b  25
Wells          Jane             24    MS              402b  12
Wells          Jane             23    MS              400a  16
Wells          Jennie           6     MS              398b  18
Wells          Jerry            25    MS              402b  11
Wells          John A           18    MS              398b   4
Wells          Leah             35    MS              398b  10
Wells          Lewis            4     MS              398b  19
Wells          Lewis            36    MS              398b   9
Wells          Margaret         4     MS              400a  17
Wells          Martha           48    MS              403b  24
Wells          Mary E           43    MS              398b   2
Wells          Matilda          18    MS              402a  14
Wells          Millie           14    MS              398b  14
Wells          Moses            40    MS              401b  30
Wells          Nancy            9     MS              403b  30
Wells          Nathaniel        57    MS              403b  23
Wells          Oliver           12    MS              401b  32
Wells          Robert           20    MS              398b   3
Wells          Rosetta          3/12  MS              403b  31
Wells          Rufus E          10    MS              398b   7
Wells          Ruttia           7/12  MS              400a  18
Wells          Sarah            8     MS              398b  17
Wells          Sarah            11/12 MS              402a   7
Wells          Scott            18    MS              398b  12
Wells          William E        16    MS              398b   5
Westbrook      Albert           20    MS              409a   2
Westbrook      Andy             22    MS              396b  10
Westbrook      Benjamin         23    MS              397a  36
Westbrook      David            55    MS              398a  19
Westbrook      Davidson         5/12  MS              409a   5
Westbrook      E C              24    MS              502a  23
Westbrook      Easter           58    MS              398a  24
Westbrook      Easter           12    MS              398a  26
Westbrook      Edmond           52    MS              397a  33
Westbrook      Edmond           21    MS              397a  37
Westbrook      Francis          47    MS              397a  34
Westbrook      J J              26    La              502a  22
Westbrook      J T              1     MS              502a  24
Westbrook      Jackson          7     MS              398a  27
Westbrook      James W          18    MS              398a  21
Westbrook      Josephine        3     MS              409a   4
Westbrook      Lethia           17    MS              396b  11
Westbrook      Major            14    MS              398a  25
Westbrook      Nancy E          13    MS              398a  22
Westbrook      Phillis          57    MS              398a  20
Westbrook      Rachel           18    MS              409a   3
Westbrook      Rebecca A        27    MS              397a  35
Westbrook      Thornton         45    MS              398a  23
Westbrook      Victoria         12    MS              383b  33
Westbrook      Wayne            29    MS              396b  12
Wheat          T G V            31    So Carolina     446a  17
Whitaker       Jane             3     MS              448b  13
Whitaker       Sallie           24    MS              381a  25
Whitaker       William          30    MS              381a  24
White          Ailsey           40    MS              488b  26
White          Alexander        18    MS              390b  32
White          Amelia           12    MS              488b  29
White          C A              26    La              480a  11
White          C O              17    MS              480a  14
White          Charlotte        55    MS              438a  20
White          Cresa            80    MS              450a   1
White          David            10    MS              390b  35
White          Gibson           35    MS              391b  12
White          H L              28    La              480a  10
White          Hansford         11    MS              391b  13
White          Infant           5     MS              390b  33
White          Isaiah           35    MS              390b  30
White          J N              4     MS              480a  12
White          Martha           8     MS              391b  14
White          Mary             30    MS              390b  34
White          Mary             13    MS              488b  28
White          Millie           30    MS              390b  31
White          Octavia          10    MS              488b  30
White          Victoria         16    MS              488b  27
White          W N              10    MS              480a  13
White          William          36    Ala             488b  25
Whitehead      Luke             11    MS              445b  31
Whitehead      Mima             51    MS              445b  30
Whitehead      R                62    MS              445b  29
Whitmore       Amos             58    South Carolina  497a   3
Whitmore       Priscilla        30    South Carolina  497a   4
Whitney        Chaney           59    MS              506b   7
Whitting       Andy             8     MS              397a  24
Whitting       Rachael          5     MS              397a  25
Whittington    A                30    LA              445a  34
Whittington    A R              53    MS              436b  30
Whittington    Abbie            29    MS              436a  31
Whittington    Adelia           25    MS              415b  12
Whittington    Alethea          21    MS              435b  24
Whittington    Alice            4     MS              381b  10
Whittington    Andrew J         34    MS              384b  35
Whittington    Aurthur          57    MS              381a  36
Whittington    Aza S            2     MS              381b   5
Whittington    B W              10    MS              436b  36
Whittington    Bounard          1 1/2 MS              384b  39
Whittington    C                13    MS              439a  31
Whittington    C C              17    MS              436b  33
Whittington    C H              12    MS              436b  35
Whittington    Caroline         27    MS              435b  26
Whittington    Celia            70    MS              377a  32
Whittington    Charity          45    MS              396b  18
Whittington    Claudius         8     MS              381b   3
Whittington    Cynthia A        9     MS              381b   2
Whittington    D                31    MS              436a  35
Whittington    Dora V           7     MS              384b  37
Whittington    Drucilla         25    MS              381b   7
Whittington    E                15    MS              440a   2
Whittington    E J              4     MS              436a  38
Whittington    Elam             55    MS              434a  33
Whittington    Eli              47    MS              509a  30
Whittington    Elizabeth        60    MS              434a  34
Whittington    Elizabeth        48    MS              436a   3
Whittington    Elvira E         13    MS              381a  40
Whittington    Emerline         3     LA              445a  37
Whittington    Emily L          10    MS              415b  16
Whittington    Emma V           26    MS              384b  36
Whittington    Ergine           37    MS              509a  31
Whittington    Eveline          12    MS              435a  14
Whittington    Garnett B        29    MS              390a  30
Whittington    Georgiana        11    MS              381b   1
Whittington    Hiram G          5     MS              381b   4
Whittington    Hulda            5     MS              436a   7
Whittington    Isaac            40    MS              464b  24
Whittington    J                50    MS              436b  29
Whittington    Jackson          38    LA              435a  10
Whittington    James            2     MS              509a  35
Whittington    James            17    MS              436a   4
Whittington    James B          12    MS              436a  33
Whittington    Jane             27    MS              435b  23
Whittington    Jasper G         17    MS              381a  38
Whittington    John             20    MS              415b  13
Whittington    John N           13    MS              509a  32
Whittington    Jordan           44    MS              436a   2
Whittington    Jordan           3     MS              435b  29
Whittington    Kinian           1     MS              435a  16
Whittington    L A              20    MS              436b  31
Whittington    Lea              26    MS              390a  36
Whittington    Leona M          12    MS              415b  15
Whittington    Lettia           7     MS              436a   6
Whittington    Lucinda          5     LA              445a  36
Whittington    M E              8     MS              440a   4
Whittington    M E              5     MS              509a  34
Whittington    M J              10    MS              509a  33
Whittington    Martin           65    .               414b  38
Whittington    Mary             65    Geo             435b  20
Whittington    Mary             41    VA              464b  25
Whittington    Mary             36    MS              435a  11
Whittington    Mary             15    MS              434a  36
Whittington    Mary A           29    MS              382a  11
Whittington    Mary J           14    MS              436a  32
Whittington    Mary V           70    Lousiana        434a  38
Whittington    McCo*ral L       3     MS              384b  38
Whittington    Melanthe         20    MS              381b   6
Whittington    Melissa          30    MS              390a  31
Whittington    Missouri         3/12  MS              435b  30
Whittington    Mourning         22    MS              382a  12
Whittington    N J              37    MS              435b  25
Whittington    Nancy            9     MS              436a   5
Whittington    Nancy            54    MS              415b  11
Whittington    Nancy            12    MS              396b  28
Whittington    Noah             57    MS              415b  10
Whittington    Ora H            45    MS              381a  37
Whittington    P E              35    MS              439b  40
Whittington    Percival A       2     MS              381b  11
Whittington    R J              19    MS              436b  32
Whittington    Robert           4     MS              435a  15
Whittington    Robert W         40    MS              382a  10
Whittington    S W              14    MS              436b  34
Whittington    Sarah            23    MS              434a  35
Whittington    Sarah            16    MS              435a  12
Whittington    Sarah A          42    MS              435b  21
Whittington    Sarah C          24    MS              436a  36
Whittington    Sila             11    LA              445a  35
Whittington    Stacy            32    MS              435b  22
Whittington    Stephen G        8     MS              435b  27
Whittington    Susie K          10    MS              436a  34
Whittington    T L              11    MS              440a   3
Whittington    Thomas           15    MS              415b  14
Whittington    Thos W           14    MS              435a  13
Whittington    Victoria M       15    MS              381a  39
Whittington    W                70    Georgia         435a   9
Whittington    W G              27    Lousiana        434a  37
Whittington    W J              52    MS              439b  39
Whittington    W W              18    MS              440a   1
Whittington    Wade             65    Geo             435b  19
Whittington    Willie F         6     MS              436a  37
Whittington    Wm H             6     MS              435b  28
Wicker         Harriet          40    MS              496b  19
Wicker         Robert           2     MS              496b  20
Wicker         Solomon          40    MS              496b  18
Wickes         Charlie          5     MS              426b  34
Wickes         Elseby           35    MS              388a   2
Wickes         Elsey            9     MS              426b  30
Wickes         Francis J        15    MS              388a   3
Wickes         Godfrey          26    MS              426b  28
Wickes         Godfrey          1     MS              426b  35
Wickes         Henry            7     MS              426b  32
Wickes         Middleton H      44    MS              388a   1
Wickes         Nathan           8     MS              426b  31
Wickes         Rubert           25    MS              426b  29
Wickes         Sarah E          15    MS              388a   4
Wickes         Seaborn          11    MS              388a   5
Wickes         William          9     MS              388a   6
Wickes         William          6     MS              426b  33
Wickliffe      Frank            25    Pa              488a   2
Wilbur         C B              3     MS              514b  36
Wilbur         J B              9     MS              514b  35
Wilbur         J B              43    Va              514b  32
Wilbur         J T              12    MS              514b  34
Wilbur         Justina          30    MS              514b  33
Wilenan        Eliza            14    MS              478b  17
Wilenan        Isaiah           18    MS              478b  15
Wilenan        Leander          16    MS              478b  16
Wilenan        Louisa           56    Ky              478b  14
Wilenan        Solomon          56    Tenn            478b  13
Wilkes         Alice            **    MS              427a  39
Wilkes         Caroline         25    MS              427a  36
Wilkes         Edmond           16    MS              427a  38
Wilkes         Eliza            18    MS              427a  37
Wilkes         Emance           41    MS              427a  34
Wilkes         Isome            11    MS              427a  40
Wilkes         Jane             25    MS              427a  35
Wilkinson      A                27    MS              444a   3
Wilkinson      A R              3     MS              444a  13
Wilkinson      A V              21    MS              443b  37
Wilkinson      Adeline          32    MS              444a   8
Wilkinson      Aggy             10    MS              444a   4
Wilkinson      Alfred           2     MS              444a   6
Wilkinson      Alfred           14    MS              387b  33
Wilkinson      Amos B           12    MS              382a  18
Wilkinson      Andrew M         16    MS              387a  32
Wilkinson      Anna             12    MS              387b  34
Wilkinson      Antony           6     MS              387b  20
Wilkinson      B F              30    MS              444a   9
Wilkinson      B Florence       16    MS              385a  30
Wilkinson      B R              10    MS              511a  24
Wilkinson      C E              8     MS              511a  25
Wilkinson      Callister        3     MS              452a  19
Wilkinson      Caroline         9     MS              452a  17
Wilkinson      Caroline         38    KY              387b  32
Wilkinson      Caroline         32    MS              465a  32
Wilkinson      Caroline J       25    MS              387b  36
Wilkinson      Celia            3     MS              465a  36
Wilkinson      Charles          10    MS              387b  18
Wilkinson      Charlie C        4     MS              382a  20
Wilkinson      Chesley          52    MS              460b  13
Wilkinson      D C              19    MS              443b  36
Wilkinson      David            23    MS              452a  20
Wilkinson      Demp             27    Kentucky        452a  15
Wilkinson      E L              12    MS              511a  23
Wilkinson      E R              39    MS              511a  20
Wilkinson      Eliza            2     MS              385a  19
Wilkinson      Emily            13    MS              387b  16
Wilkinson      Eugenia V        14    MS              382a  17
Wilkinson      Frank            6     MS              465a  34
Wilkinson      Franklin         25    MS              382a  22
Wilkinson      G F              8     MS              444a   1
Wilkinson      Gantiell         18    MS              511b  14
Wilkinson      George           4     MS              387b  38
Wilkinson      George           35    MS              496a   3
Wilkinson      Hamp             90    Virginia        452b  24
Wilkinson      Henry            8     MS              387b  19
Wilkinson      Henry            23    MS              385a  17
Wilkinson      Hugh B           5/12  MS              444a   7
Wilkinson      Infant           8/12  MS              382a  25
Wilkinson      Infant           4/12  MS              387b  39
Wilkinson      Isaac            3     MS              452a  22
Wilkinson      J C              45    MS              444a  25
Wilkinson      J E              26    MS              444a  10
Wilkinson      J E              21    MS              444a  26
Wilkinson      J E              2     MS              444a  34
Wilkinson      J M              10    MS              443b  40
Wilkinson      J S              17    MS              443b  38
Wilkinson      J W              8     MS              452b  15
Wilkinson      J W              20    MS              511b  13
Wilkinson      Jack             22    MS              447b  39
Wilkinson      Jane             39    MS              496a   4
Wilkinson      Jane J           36    MS              382a  13
Wilkinson      Julia            4     MS              387b  21
Wilkinson      Julia E          9     MS              382a  19
Wilkinson      L E              2     MS              444a  29
Wilkinson      Letitia A        14    MS              387a  33
Wilkinson      Livingston       22    geo             511b  15
Wilkinson      Louisa           26    MS              452a  16
Wilkinson      Louisa           15    MS              382a  16
Wilkinson      Low J            9/12  MS              387a  36
Wilkinson      Luvisey          30    MS              387a  31
Wilkinson      M C              9     MS              444a  28
Wilkinson      M C              39    MS              443b  35
Wilkinson      M J              47    MS              443b  34
Wilkinson      M J              34    MS              454b  29
Wilkinson      M J              19    MS              444a  31
Wilkinson      M L              42    Tenn            460b  14
Wilkinson      M M              4     MS              444a  12
Wilkinson      Mahala           7     MS              465a  33
Wilkinson      Mahala           33    MS              511a  21
Wilkinson      Malinda          5     MS              465a  35
Wilkinson      Maria            6     MS              387b  37
Wilkinson      Maria            5     MS              444a   5
Wilkinson      Martha           31    KY              387b  15
Wilkinson      Mary             21    MS              385a  18
Wilkinson      Melissa          2     MS              387b  22
Wilkinson      Melissa          18    MS              382a  15
Wilkinson      Millie           60    MS              452a  23
Wilkinson      Millie           21    MS              452a  21
Wilkinson      Moyc H           4     MS              387a  35
Wilkinson      N A              6     MS              511a  26
Wilkinson      N N              2     MS              444a  14
Wilkinson      N V              20    MS              444a  33
Wilkinson      Nancy            3     MS              385a  20
Wilkinson      P C              1/12  MS              444a  35
Wilkinson      Palestine        19    MS              382a  23
Wilkinson      R B              15    MS              443b  39
Wilkinson      Reuben           22    MS              382a  14
Wilkinson      S E              1     MS              511a  27
Wilkinson      S J              10    MS              452b  14
Wilkinson      S M              9     MS              444a  11
Wilkinson      Sarah            22    MS              447b  40
Wilkinson      Scott            9/12  MS              465a  37
Wilkinson      Stephen          39    MS              465a  31
Wilkinson      Stephen Allen    16    MS              511a  22
Wilkinson      T N              14    MS              444a  27
Wilkinson      T P              14    MS              447b  27
Wilkinson      Temperance J     6     MS              387a  34
Wilkinson      Thomas           5     MS              452a  18
Wilkinson      Thomas J         5     MS              382a  24
Wilkinson      Thornton         12    MS              387b  17
Wilkinson      Tillman          1     MS              454b  34
Wilkinson      W H              17    MS              447b  26
Wilkinson      W N              23    MS              444a  32
Wilkinson      W Y              5     MS              444a   2
Wilkinson      Wesley           3     MS              387b  35
Wilkinson      Winston          52    MS              387a  30
Wilkinson      Z J              18    MS              444a  30
Williams       A                17    MS              449a   8
Williams       A B              12    MS              498b  15
Williams       A J              10    MS              500a  16
Williams       A W              7/12  MS              443b  30
Williams       Abraham          2     MS              449b  29
Williams       Adaline          27    MS              458b   4
Williams       Adeline          4     MS              444b  26
Williams       Adeline          25    MS              493a  31
Williams       Albert           9     LA              462a  10
Williams       Alfen            25    MS              470b  28
Williams       Alice            4     MS              470b  20
Williams       Amanda           8     MS              467a  28
Williams       Amanda           3     MS              470b  31
Williams       Amanda           23    MS              485a  23
Williams       Andrew           9     MS              490b  26
Williams       Andy             5     MS              393b  10
Williams       Ann              4     La              484b  19
Williams       Ann              24    MS              460b  25
Williams       Antony           27    MS              490b   5
Williams       Baze             28    MS              498b  29
Williams       Bec              22    La              468b  23
Williams       Belle            4     MS              470b  30
Williams       Ben              35    MS              470b  13
Williams       Ben              20    MS              462b   1
Williams       Bithuna          40    MS              378b  16
Williams       Bluit            46    MS              378b  12
Williams       Bluit            13    MS              431a   5
Williams       C                26    MS              433a  24
Williams       C J              15    MS              500a  14
Williams       C J              10    MS              498b  16
Williams       C M              1     MS              498b  11
Williams       Calvin           19    MS              412b  20
Williams       Caroline         3     MS              493a  33
Williams       Celia            24    MS              433a  25
Williams       Charles          2     MS              490b  30
Williams       Cicerio          7     MS              476a   7
Williams       Clara            16    MS              443b  29
Williams       Clarissa         9     MS              470b  17
Williams       Clarissa         42    MS              430b  24
Williams       Clena            19    MS              487b   5
Williams       Clorinda         27    MS              393b   7
Williams       Cornelia         57    Virginia        458b   3
Williams       D                23    MS              484b  17
Williams       Daniel           21    MS              453b  12
Williams       Delbert          8     MS              470b  18
Williams       Dewitt           6     MS              430b  28
Williams       E N              21    MS              498b  23
Williams       Easter           8     MS              468b  34
Williams       Edmond           18    MS              493b   5
Williams       Eli              16    MS              431a   4
Williams       Elisabeth        25    MS              490b   6
Williams       Eliza            16    MS              498b  14
Williams       Ellen            3     MS              449b  28
Williams       Ellen            18    MS              470b  26
Williams       Ellison          29    MS              393b   6
Williams       Emeline          25    MS              490b  24
Williams       Emily            17    MS              499a   1
Williams       Emily            1     MS              460b  26
Williams       Emma             11    MS              498a  39
Williams       Emma J           7     MS              498b   8
Williams       Enos J           6     MS              397b  38
Williams       F                27    MS              461a  36
Williams       Fisher           24    MS              498b  39
Williams       Floyd C          7/12  MS              397b  40
Williams       Francis          4     MS              458b   6
Williams       Francis          12    MS              449b  25
Williams       G B              25    MS              507b  31
Williams       Garady           68    Tenn            484b  35
Williams       Geo              20    MS              443b  18
Williams       George           70    MS              487b   3
Williams       George           5     MS              429a   3
Williams       George H         3     MS              430b  29
Williams       Georgiana        2     MS              429a   4
Williams       Gilbert          7     MS              458b   5
Williams       H W              4     MS              498b   9
Williams       Harriet          41    MS              378b  13
Williams       Harriet          39    MS              487b   4
Williams       Harriet          21    MS              498b  30
Williams       Harry            3     MS              461a  38
Williams       Hasty            55    So Carolina     414a  19
Williams       Hattie           22    MS              470b  24
Williams       Hender           26    Virginia        451b  31
Williams       Henry            6     MS              378b  21
Williams       Henry            47    Tenn            466a  22
Williams       Henry            12    MS              393b   9
Williams       Hester           24    LA              462a   8
Williams       Hillary          12    LA              462a   9
Williams       Isaac            53    MS              412b  18
Williams       Isaac            32    MS              401a  13
Williams       Isaac            22    La              485a  22
Williams       Isabella         8/12  MS              458b   7
Williams       Isom             3     MS              501b  10
Williams       Isom             22    MS              502b  22
Williams       J                2     MS              502b  26
Williams       J F              39    La              498b   6
Williams       J M              12    MS              507b  36
Williams       J R              61    S Carolina      507b  29
Williams       Jackson          46    MS              397b  33
Williams       Jacob O          10    MS              397b  36
Williams       James            6     MS              444b  25
Williams       James            13    MS              498a  38
Williams       James F          3     MS              397b  39
Williams       Janas            5/12  MS              429a   5
Williams       Jane             52    MS              498b  12
Williams       Jane             45    MS              412b  19
Williams       Jane             41    MS              403a  24
Williams       Jane             30    Va              510b  36
Williams       Jane             19    MS              474b  31
Williams       Jannie           9     MS              378b  18
Williams       Joe              7     MS              466a  24
Williams       Joe              6     MS              433a  26
Williams       John             4     MS              467a  29
Williams       John             22    La              474b  30
Williams       John M           11    Lousiana        430b  26
Williams       Jordan           58    Md              502b  20
Williams       Jordan           30    MS              476a   5
Williams       Jordan           3     MS              502b  24
Williams       Joseph           55    Lousiana        430b  23
Williams       Joseph           24    MS              503a  12
Williams       Josiah           7     MS              461a  37
Williams       Judith           11    MS              470b  16
Williams       Katy             60    S Ca            484b   6
Williams       Kizell           12    MS              490b  25
Williams       Lena             24    MS              470b  29
Williams       Lewis            14    MS              449b  24
Williams       Lincoln          5     MS              490b  28
Williams       Linda            75    MS              378b  14
Williams       Lista            23    MS              476a   6
Williams       Littia           49    MS              378b  15
Williams       Lizzie           5/12  MS              467a  31
Williams       Louisa           26    Virginia        451b  34
Williams       Louisa           22    MS              498a  37
Williams       Louisa           20    MS              429a   2
Williams       Louisa           12    MS              470b  40
Williams       Lucinda          23    La              468b  24
Williams       Luke             6     MS              470b  19
Williams       Luther           12    MS              510b  37
Williams       Luvisee C        14    Lousiana        430b  25
Williams       M                25    MS              444b  24
Williams       M E              12    MS              500a  15
Williams       M J              45    MS              449b  22
Williams       Margaret         20    MS              470b  25
Williams       Margaret         13    MS              378b  20
Williams       Maria            28    MS              401a  14
Williams       Marshall         1     MS              493a  34
Williams       Martha           2     LA              462a  12
Williams       Martha           2     MS              498b  31
Williams       Martha J         3     La              468b  25
Williams       Mary             54    MS              467b  16
Williams       Mary             40    MS              466a  23
Williams       Mary             2     MS              401a  15
Williams       Mary             2     MS              490b   8
Williams       Mary             14    So Carolina     414a  20
Williams       Mat              35    MS              467a  27
Williams       Matilda          30    La              498b   7
Williams       May              4     MS              433a  27
Williams       May              2     MS              470b  21
Williams       Mike             22    Tenissee        429a   1
Williams       Millie           7     MS              449b  27
Williams       Minerva          21    La              484b  18
Williams       Mingo            65    Virginia        449b  21
Williams       Nancy            51    MS              470b  23
Williams       Nancy            2     MS              433a  28
Williams       Nancy            19    Va              505a  26
Williams       Nancy            18    MS              507b  34
Williams       Nettie           50    .               465b  13
Williams       Nora             32    MS              470b  14
Williams       Obed P           9     MS              430b  27
Williams       Obed R           16    MS              397b  35
Williams       Pattie           7     MS              493a  32
Williams       Peter J          8     MS              397b  37
Williams       R F              56    South Carolina  498a  35
Williams       Rachel           16    MS              507b  35
Williams       Rebecca          75    So Carolina     500a  24
Williams       Rebecca          32    MS              397b  34
Williams       Rebecca          19    MS              498b  13
Williams       Rich             58    Va              490b  23
Williams       Richard          10    MS              507b  37
Williams       Robert           25    Virginia        451b  33
Williams       Robert           13    MS              470b  15
Williams       Robert           10    MS              449b  26
Williams       Roda             50    MS              507b  30
Williams       Rosa             4     MS              490b   7
Williams       sam              24    La              498b  40
Williams       Samuel           3     MS              502b  25
Williams       Sarah            6     MS              507b  38
Williams       Sarah            44    MS              498a  36
Williams       Sarah            40    MS              502b  21
Williams       Sarah            32    Virginia        451b  32
Williams       Sarah            30    MS              500a  13
Williams       Sarah            21    MS              431b   1
Williams       Sarina           17    MS              493b   6
Williams       Simon            16    MS              470b  27
Williams       Sims             8     MS              378b  19
Williams       Stephen          64    Md              470b  22
Williams       Stephen          16    MS              487b   7
Williams       Stephen          1     MS              470b  32
Williams       T S              3     MS              498b  10
Williams       Terry            6     So Carolina     414a  22
Williams       Tony             2     MS              467a  30
Williams       Venus            68    MS              484b  36
Williams       Violet           11    MS              487b   6
Williams       W C              22    MS              507b  32
Williams       W J              21    MS              507b  33
Williams       Wallace          55    Kentuckey       414a  18
Williams       Walter           6     MS              461b  36
Williams       Wash             18    MS              484b  38
Williams       Washington       11    Tenn            502b  23
Williams       Wesley           11    MS              378b  17
Williams       William          4     LA              462a  11
Williams       William          4     MS              490b  29
Williams       William          12    So Carolina     414a  21
Williams       William          1/12  MS              498b  32
Williams       William          1     MS              401a  16
Williams       Willie           20    MS              484b  37
Williams       Willis           17    MS              449b  23
Williams       Wm               28    MS              460b  24
Williams       Wm               23    La              483b  17
Williams       Zach             7     MS              490b  27
Willis         Anderson         7     MS              465a   2
Willis         Elvira           10    MS              464b  40
Willis         Mattie           3     MS              465a   3
Willis         Paul             60    VA              464b  38
Willis         Penelope         2     MS              465a   4
Willis         Polly            13    MS              465a   1
Willis         Sarah            57    MS              464b  39
Wills          David B          14    MS              425a  11
Wills          Eliza J          12    MS              425a  12
Wills          Jackson R        55    MS              425a   7
Wills          James H          10    MS              425a  13
Wills          John E           16    MS              425a  10
Wills          Mary A           39    MS              425a   8
Wills          William B        15    MS              425a   9
Wilson         Adeline          12    MS              495b  28
Wilson         Alex             10    MS              495b  22
Wilson         Alexander        43    MS              422b  12
Wilson         Alia             20    MS              505a   5
Wilson         Alice            14    LA              462a  15
Wilson         Allen            25    .               421b  29
Wilson         Amanda           50    MS              401a  17
Wilson         Amelia           9     MS              495b  23
Wilson         America          9     MS              504b  37
Wilson         Amy              50    MS              463b  23
Wilson         Ann              44    MS              432b   5
Wilson         Antony           18    MS              472a  19
Wilson         Arak             69    So Carolina     413a   7
Wilson         Arak             20    MS              413a   5
Wilson         Arak W           24    MS              413a   1
Wilson         Arnett           38    La              482a   5
Wilson         Benjamin         34    MS              404a  17
Wilson         Bruce M          55    MS              414b   6
Wilson         Celia            10    MS              504b  36
Wilson         Chaney           18    MS              430a  26
Wilson         Charles          5/12  MS              472a  13
Wilson         Charlie          13    .               441b  14
Wilson         Chloe            25    .               421b  31
Wilson         Clorinda         2     MS              414b  34
Wilson         Crawford         15    MS              407a  11
Wilson         Dan              5     MS              383b  27
Wilson         Daniel C         22    MS              401a  19
Wilson         David            30    Prussia         514a   1
Wilson         David            12    MS              407a  12
Wilson         Dora             23    Prussia         514a   2
Wilson         Dora             11    Ill             514a   7
Wilson         E A              50    La              497a  15
Wilson         Edmond L         19    MS              414b  23
Wilson         Elisabeth        16    MS              495b  27
Wilson         Elisabeth        12    MS              497a  18
Wilson         Elizabeth        58    So Carolina     413a   8
Wilson         Ella A           5     MS              414b  32
Wilson         Emily R          12    MS              414b   9
Wilson         Erasmus L        13    MS              414b  27
Wilson         Eugene S         15    MS              414b  26
Wilson         F S              20    MS              497a  22
Wilson         Frank            42    MS              505a   4
Wilson         Franklin         17    MS              504b  33
Wilson         George           54    .               441b  37
Wilson         George W         23    MS              432b   6
Wilson         Hariett          28    MS              383b  26
Wilson         Henry            8     NY              514a   8
Wilson         Henry            7     La              505a   6
Wilson         Henry            4     MS              472a  11
Wilson         Hillery K        16    MS              414b  25
Wilson         Ida              3     MS              495b  25
Wilson         Infant           10/12 .               421b  32
Wilson         Isaac            14    MS              430a  27
Wilson         Ivy F            11    MS              432b   9
Wilson         J C              16    MS              497a  16
Wilson         J L              15    MS              497a  17
Wilson         J R              43    Kentucky        453b  24
Wilson         Jack             56    MS              472a  16
Wilson         Jacob            3     NY              514a  10
Wilson         Jacob            1     MS              514a   3
Wilson         James A          28    MS              502a  25
Wilson         James H          18    MS              414b  24
Wilson         Jane             23    .               441b  38
Wilson         Jeff Davis       7     MS              504b  38
Wilson         Jefferson        2     La              505a   8
Wilson         Jenine           67    LA              442a   9
Wilson         Jennie           5     Ill             514a   9
Wilson         Jerome           17    MS              401a  20
Wilson         Jesse            26    .               432a  23
Wilson         John             42    Virginia        482a   4
Wilson         John J           18    MS              422b  14
Wilson         John J           13    MS              413a   3
Wilson         John L           1     MS              453b  26
Wilson         Johnathan T      8/12  .               432a  25
Wilson         Joseph T         18    MS              422b  15
Wilson         Josephine        11    .               441b  16
Wilson         Juda A           19    MS              413a   6
Wilson         L V              31    MS              453b  25
Wilson         Laura            25    .               421b  30
Wilson         Leathea M        16    MS              413a   2
Wilson         Lee              62    Georgia         414b   4
Wilson         Lena             30    Prussia         514a   6
Wilson         Lewis            45    Ky              504b  31
Wilson         Lewis            41    Prussia         514a   5
Wilson         Lewis            3     La              504b  40
Wilson         Lewis            2/12  MS              404a  19
Wilson         Lewis B          12    MS              414b  28
Wilson         Lizzie           12    .               441b  15
Wilson         Louisa           6     MS              472a  10
Wilson         Louisa           15    LA              462a  14
Wilson         Louisa A         9     MS              414b  30
Wilson         Lucinda          25    MS              472a   9
Wilson         M E              1     MS              497a  21
Wilson         M M              4     MS              502a  26
Wilson         Malinda          45    La              504b  32
Wilson         Maria            40    MS              472a  17
Wilson         Maria            14    MS              504b  35
Wilson         Marshall         4     MS              495b  24
Wilson         Mary             21    MS              437b  28
Wilson         Mary             15    MS              432b   7
Wilson         Mary A           57    MS              422b  13
Wilson         Mary A           30    MS              495b  21
Wilson         Matilda          1     MS              495b  26
Wilson         Mattie A         24    MS              414b   8
Wilson         Melissa A        41    MS              414b  22
Wilson         Melitta A        20    .               432a  24
Wilson         Minerva          17    MS              404a  18
Wilson         Nathaniel        3     .               441b  39
Wilson         Owen             15    MS              504b  34
Wilson         Patsey           25    LA              462a  13
Wilson         Rachel E         45    MS              412b  40
Wilson         Rebecca          64    So Carolina     414b   5
Wilson         Rebecca          50    .               432a  26
Wilson         Rebecca          5     MS              504b  39
Wilson         Rebecca E        14    MS              401a  22
Wilson         Robert J         19    MS              414b  13
Wilson         S A              20    MS              497a  20
Wilson         Sally            5     La              505a   7
Wilson         Sarah            20    MS              463b  24
Wilson         Sarah E          7     MS              414b  31
Wilson         Sarah F          9     MS              414b  15
Wilson         Scott            11    La              482a   6
Wilson         Seaborn M        10    MS              414b  29
Wilson         Selina           52    MS              414b   7
Wilson         Sidney S         10    MS              413a   4
Wilson         Spencer          52    Indiana         432b   4
Wilson         Thomas           32    MS              472a   8
Wilson         Thomas           26    MS              495b  20
Wilson         Thomas C         29    MS              401a  18
Wilson         Thomas J         13    MS              432b   8
Wilson         Tony             50    Va              472a  14
Wilson         Turner           3     MS              472a  12
Wilson         Victoria A       16    MS              414b  14
Wilson         W P              23    MS              497a  19
Wilson         Walter           95    Maryland        446a  18
Wilson         William          15    MS              401a  21
Wilson         Zachariah        4     MS              414b  33
Winen          Frank P          9     MS              464a   5
Winen          Hanah            30    VA              464a   4
Winen          Johnson          5     MS              464a   6
Wineus         Albert           8     MS              447b   2
Wineus         Ann              30    MS              447a  39
Wineus         Francis          38    Kentucky        447b   8
Wineus         Harriet          6     MS              447b   3
Wineus         Henry            15    MS              447a  40
Wineus         James            1/12  MS              447b   6
Wineus         John             1     MS              447b  11
Wineus         Joseph           33    Georgia         447a  38
Wineus         Nancy            3     MS              447b  10
Wineus         Roan             3     MS              447b   9
Wineus         Robert           4     MS              447b   4
Wineus         Samuel           42    MS              447b   7
Wineus         Sarah            3     MS              447b   5
Wineus         Vina             14    MS              447b   1
Winfield       Ann              6/12  MS              431a  32
Winfield       Harriet          25    MS              431a  30
Winfield       Jane             8     MS              431a  33
Winfield       Mosella          2     MS              431a  31
Winfield       Scott            22    MS              431a  29
Winston        Esther           15    MS              464b   6
Winston        Malinda          43    KY              464b   5
Winston        Washington       52    VA              464b   4
Wiscus         Ben              14    MS              487b  11
Wiscus         Henry            47    MS              487b   8
Wiscus         Jack             10    MS              487b  12
Wiscus         Julia            6/12  MS              487b  10
Wiscus         Lucinda          4     MS              487b  13
Wiscus         M J              30    MS              487b   9
Wiscus         Matilda          3     MS              487b  14
Wishum         G                16    MS              484b  34
Wishum         Gro              4     MS              484b  27
Witherspoon    A                38    MS              478b  39
Witherspoon    Adeline          28    La              478b  34
Witherspoon    Albert           18    MS              479a   1
Witherspoon    Aletha           1     MS              479a  14
Witherspoon    Ann              37    MS              442b  24
Witherspoon    Ann              18    MS              479a  13
Witherspoon    Dan              10    MS              442b  29
Witherspoon    David            24    MS              478b  40
Witherspoon    Francis          24    MS              478b  35
Witherspoon    George           10    MS              479a   3
Witherspoon    Harriet          16    MS              442b  26
Witherspoon    Jacob            12    MS              442b  28
Witherspoon    Jeff             19    MS              479a  12
Witherspoon    John             2     MS              478b  37
Witherspoon    Kate             4     MS              478b  36
Witherspoon    Mack             61    MS              480b   5
Witherspoon    Mack             14    MS              442b  27
Witherspoon    Martha           70    S Carolina      480b   6
Witherspoon    Mathew           4     MS              479a   4
Witherspoon    Mose             1     MS              442b  32
Witherspoon    Philis           18    MS              442b  25
Witherspoon    R P              70    S Carolina      447b  23
Witherspoon    Sarah E          67    MS              447b  24
Witherspoon    Silas            8     MS              442b  30
Witherspoon    Vic              8/12  MS              478b  38
Witherspoon    W                5     MS              442b  31
Witherspoon    Wiley            42    MS              442b  23
Witherspoon    William          16    MS              479a   2
Womack         Thomas           50    Maryland        383a  26
Wood           Abertz           1     MS              502b  19
Wood           C A              36    La              476b   2
Wood           Catherine        4     MS              502b  18
Wood           David            10    MS              502b  16
Wood           Henry            14    MS              502b  28
Wood           John             6     MS              502b  17
Wood           Mary             56    La              502b  27
Wood           Mary J           30    MS              493b  37
Wood           Minerva          38    MS              502b  13
Wood           Moses            13    MS              502b  14
Wood           Patrick          56    Va              502b  12
Wood           S P              29    Indiana         476b   1
Wood           Samuel           14    MS              502b  29
Wood           T R              2/12  MS              476b   3
Wood           William          8     MS              502b  15
Wood           William          30    MS              493b  36
Woodall        Charlie M        6     MS              417b  12
Woodall        John             15    MS              417b  11
Woodall        Mary A           42    MS              417b   9
Woodall        Robert           55    MS              417b   8
Woodall        Robert           10    MS              417b  13
Woodall        William S        17    MS              417b  10
Woodard        Bluit            4     MS              421a   7
Woodard        Francis          10    MS              421a   5
Woodard        Isabel           5     MS              421a   6
Woodard        Martin           11    MS              421a   4
Woodard        Mary             39    MS              421a   2
Woodard        Moses            45    MS              421a   1
Woodard        Moses            13    MS              421a   3
Woodard        William          2/12  MS              421a   9
Woodard        Zachariah        3     MS              421a   8
Woodsides      Dennis           75    MS              384b  20
Woodsides      Harriet          32    MS              384b  21
Woodsides      Infant           1/12  MS              384b  25
Woodsides      Lawson           22    MS              384b  22
Woodsides      Livy             3     MS              384b  23
Woodsides      Sarah            1     MS              384b  24
Word           Elizabeth        52    MS              434a  16
Wren           Aggy             47    MS              505a  40
Wren           Alex             8     MS              505b   3
Wren           Alfred           12    MS              489a  30
Wren           Alicia           4     MS              489a  35
Wren           Ann              31    MS              489a  28
Wren           Anna             10    MS              455b  29
Wren           C D              13    MS              489a  19
Wren           Calvin           10    MS              434b  40
Wren           Candas           35    MS              434b  38
Wren           Chales           4     MS              505b   5
Wren           E R              16    MS              489a  18
Wren           Ellen            8     MS              376a  14
Wren           Ellen            10    MS              505b   2
Wren           Ephraim          7     MS              489a  33
Wren           Ephriam          25    MS              376a  36
Wren           Ettie            20    MS              376a  37
Wren           F C              46    MS              489a  15
Wren           F G              18    La              489a  17
Wren           Flyinia          12    MS              505b   1
Wren           Francis          10    MS              489a  31
Wren           Green            8     MS              489a  32
Wren           Infant           4/12  MS              489a  37
Wren           Infant           2     MS              489a  23
Wren           Isaac            12    MS              434b  39
Wren           Isadore          6     MS              434a  40
Wren           Joe              47    MS              505a  39
Wren           Joe              2     MS              505b   6
Wren           John             8     MS              505a  27
Wren           John             3     MS              489a  36
Wren           Katy             48    MS              455b  27
Wren           L A              6     MS              489a  22
Wren           L R              11    MS              489a  20
Wren           Land             18    MS              488b  15
Wren           Lettie           14    MS              489a  29
Wren           Lewis            5     MS              489a  34
Wren           Maria            6     MS              505b   4
Wren           Mary             9     MS              455b  28
Wren           Sam              37    MS              489a  27
Wren           Sip              73    S Carolina      455b  26
Wren           Thomas           9     MS              489a  21
Wren           V C              46    MS              489a  16
Wren           York             55    MS              434b  37
Wright         Caroline         40    MS              391b  16
Wright         Harriet          25    MS              396a  39
Wright         Peter            50    MS              391b  15
Wright         Richard          21    MS              396a  38
Wright         Stephen          2     MS              396b   1
Wright         Willie           6     MS              396a  40
Wroten         Amanda           58    MS              398a  30
Wroten         Colie            2     MS              396b  17
Wroten         Elizabeth        32    MS              396b  14
Wroten         Henry O          15    MS              396b  15
Wroten         Levy             36    MS              396b  13
Wroten         Linn             55    MS              398a  29
Wroten         Thomas K         12    MS              396b  16
Wyat           Isadore          15    MS              505b  32
Wyat           Joe              27    La              505b  28
Wyat           Martha           40    La              505b  29
Wyat           Nancy            24    MS              505b  30
Wyat           Sarah            18    MS              505b  31
Wyat           Van              11    MS              505b  33
Yankaway       Fredrick         56    MS              402b  37
Yankaway       Lion             11    MS              402b  39
Yankaway       Rachel           30    MS              402b  38
Yankaway       Seaborn          11    MS              402b  40
Yeandle        W H              27    MS              514b  22
Young          A A              42    Indiana         472a  22
Young          A M              16    LA              461a  18
Young          A Z              42    N Ca            472a  20
Young          Chainey          25    MS              411b  30
Young          Christopher      60    SC              397b  10
Young          Christopher      13    MS              397b  15
Young          Edmond           23    MS              420b   2
Young          George           6     MS              385b   6
Young          Giller           13    MS              414b   3
Young          Hilliard         7     MS              411b  31
Young          Infant           9/12  MS              461a  22
Young          J F              37    LA              461a  16
Young          James            9     MS              385b   5
Young          Jesse H          20    MS              397b  13
Young          Lavinia          44    MS              397b  11
Young          M L              17    Kentucky        472a  21
Young          Margaret         15    MS              397b  14
Young          Martha           21    MS              420b   3
Young          Martin T         7     MS              397b  17
Young          Mary             32    MS              461a  17
Young          Millie           1     MS              411b  32
Young          Mourning         24    MS              385a  24
Young          N N              9     LA              461a  21
Young          Norton           17    MS              385a  23
Young          Peggy            3     MS              420b   5
Young          R M              14    LA              461a  19
Young          Robert           3     MS              397b  18
Young          Shadrick R       27    MS              397b  12
Young          W J              11    LA              461a  20
Young          William          4     MS              420b   4
Young          William E        11    MS              397b  16
Young          Wm               28    LA              456a  31
Zarboro        Infant           1/12  MS              502a  39
Zeagler        A L              37    La              504b   4
Zeagler        Albert           5     La              504b  11
Zeagler        Andrew           9     La              504b  10
Zeagler        Benjamin         12    La              504b   8
Zeagler        Elizabeth        14    La              504b   7
Zeagler        M J              36    La              504b   5
Zeagler        Matilda          3     La              504b  12
Zeagler        Susan            11    La              504b   9
Zeagler        Zacharia         15    La              504b   6
The free display of the 1870 Amite County, MS, census images in
the USGenWeb Archives was made possible through the generosity of
Nancy C. Waite.
This index was transcribed by Nancy C. Waite
and proofread by Team of Volunteers

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